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Interactive Image Cutout- Lazy Snapping

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1 Interactive Image Cutout- Lazy Snapping
Hu Junfeng “Lazy Snapping”, SIGGRAPH 2004 Yin Li, Jian Sun, Chi-Keung Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum

2 Interactive image cutout
Lazy snapping Demo Grabcut Image cutout is the technique of removing an object from its background

3 Interactive image cutout
Lazy snapping Demo Grabcut Image cutout is the technique of removing an object from its background

4 Lazy snapping Step 1: a quick object marking step
Work at a coarse scale Specifies the object of interest by a few marking lines Step 2: a simple boundary editing step Work at a finer scale Edit the object boundary by simply clicking and dragging polygon vertices

5 Object marking UI design Representative clustering centers
Two groups of lines for the representative parts of foreground and background Representative clustering centers K-means method to obtain 64 clusters for each class : for foreground : for background

6 K-means clustering Iterating the 4 steps below Seed initialization
Assigning elements Seed updating Assigning again

7 Object marking Foreground/background image segmentation
A typical graph-cut problem Intuition: classifying the pixels into two groups, which has the Similar feature in this group; each group has the smoothness assumption, a Commonly used prior knowledge

8 Graph cut image segmentation
An image cutout problem can be posed as a binary labelling problem on a graph G=(V, E) V: the nodes represent all the pixels E: the edge linking two neighboring pixels (4-neighborhood) i: the i-th node Background Foreground Edge

9 Graph cut image segmentation
Corresponding to above 2 intuitive steps Define the likelihood energy : Define the prior energy : Minimize the above two terms simultaneously Encoding the cost when the label of node i is xi The smaller, the better Encoding the cost when the label of node i and node j is xi and xj The smaller, the better

10 Graph cut image segmentation
The likelihood energy The prior energy

11 Graph cuts Min cut == Max flow

12 Max flow problem Bottleneck problem
General algorithms: Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, push-relabel maximum flow new algorithm by Boykov, etc

13 Boundary editing Boundary as editable polygon UI design/Tools
First vertex – border pixel with highest curvature Next vertices: furthest boundary pixel from previous polygon Stop when distance is below some threshold UI design/Tools Direct vertex editing Overriding brush Using graph cuts

14 Experimental results

15 分组大作业 Project 1 彩色直方图均衡优化 1人组 时间:12月11号 Project 2 图像分割 2人组 提交时间:12月11号

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