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Nagel’s Question Subjective Character of Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Nagel’s Question Subjective Character of Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nagel’s Question Subjective Character of Experience

2 Consciousness & The Brain Causation: Brain States cause States of Consciousness

3 Causation: Eliminative Reduction Kinetic Energy Heat Eliminative reduction: eliminates the phenomenon being reduced, by showing that there is nothing over and above the reducing phenomenon

4 Consciousness: Eliminative Reduction Physical Causes Subjective Experiences Why then won’t eliminative reduction work with consciousness?

5 Qualia Taking the qualia out of consciousness. And that just is consciousness. Carving off the subjective experience in order to offer the reduction but that experience is what we’re seeking to capture.

6 Consciousness: Emergence Water->LiquidityGlass->Transparency Table->solidity One doesn ’ t/can ’ t reach into a glass of water and say of this molecule that it is wet One doesn ’ t/can ’ t point at a particular neuron or synapse in the brain and say “ that ’ s such and such thought …” The thought occurs at a much higher level than that of a single neuron/synapse just as liquidity occurs at a much higher level than that of single molecules.

7 The Autistic Neurophysicist Metaphysics vs. Epistemology Subjective Metaphysics/Objective Epistemology How to come to an Objective understanding of a Subjective Experience (an experience that seems defined by its subjectivity)?

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