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WELCOME TO MRS. CUSACK’S CLASSROOM. I will be teaching you…

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2 I will be teaching you…

3 Grade 8 Math Materials Needed: Binder Looseleaf Graph paper Pencil/Eraser Ruler Calculator Colouring Pencils Evaluation: Class work and participation Chapter Assignments (1-2) Quizzes Chapter Tests

4 Boot camp – September 6-18 Chapter 1 – Representing Data Chapter 2 – Ratios, Rates, & Proportional Reasoning Chapter 3 – Pythagorean Theorem Chapter 4 – Integers Pacing Guide Sept – Dec.


6 Grade 8 Health Materials:Evaluation: Binder and looseleaf Journal (Hilroy Scribbler) Pen/Pencil Colour Pencils Class Participation Assignments Group Projects Quizzes


8 Grade 9 Science Materials:Evaluation: BinderClass participation LooseleafAssignments/Projects Pen/pencilTests Colored pencilsExam **Remember a 70% is needed for academic grade 10 science.

9 In class we must remember: Follow directions quickly!! Don’t waste time. Be quick about getting out your books, paper and pencils or doing something that I have asked you to do.

10 Raise your hand for permission to contribute to class or to leave your seat. Please don’t blurt out answers or wander around the room.

11 Listen while others are talking. Listen to your teacher and other students while they are talking. You never know when you might miss something important!!

12 Make Smart Choices! Complete all your work on time. Use your class time wisely. Please do your own work!!

13 RESPECT EVERYONE!! Don’t borrow things without asking. Don’t talk about other students or teachers. Be polite and helpful to everyone.

14 Keep your dear teacher happy! I am happy when all of my students are learning and enjoying class. I’m not happy when someone makes it difficult for other students to learn!

15 Friendly Reminders… Homeroom - Morning (8:45-9:05) - Attendance (1:23-1:27) Break Reading Period Entering the classroom Changing classes & subject teachers Announcements Homework Page and student agenda: Homework reminder/ Students Achieve Late for class Absences/make-up procedures Responding to fire drills, lockdowns, or other alerts

16 Desks/Chairs Washrooms Lockers/Extra Supplies Cell Phones/Music/Electronics Finishing work early Cleaning room at the end of the day Dismissal

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