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Presentation on theme: "- 8 SB EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT - EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 ASSIGNMENT Your assignment is to write a reflective analysis about your relationship with the media. In your essay, (1) identify a particular problem that you find in the media. (2) Explain your personal feelings about or experiences with the problem, and (3) offer some type of solution or action that you or others could take to address the problem. Label what you will be doing with this assignment.


4 EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT TASK Revisit your Media Habits and Memorable Ads logs (Activity 2.3), as well as your responses to the Writing Prompts and the articles you have read in this unit. Think about the kind of advertising that appeals to you. How is it that advertisers are able to target your interests? To what extent do advertisers try to manipulate your self-image? How do the media represent you and your own reality? How do the various media channels affect you? Look over the following topics that you have explored in the first part of this unit. Put a check mark by the ones that you could imagine yourself writing about in this assessment: video games body images images of beauty consumerism logos and brands advertisements Example: if you play video games, you are probably VERY familiar with advertising in games…select this as an option. If you don’t play video games, don’t select. GO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW

5 BRAINSTORMING/PREWRITE (P. 136) Complete the chart below for two ideas you are considering:

6 BRAINSTORM EXAMPLE Logos and brands This is a huge problem, especially in middle school where “fitting in” and self-image is the number one teenage concern. 1.make the product more affordable to consumers = cheaper. 2.Schools offer “esteem” classes to avoid logo and brands. 3.School uniforms

7 THESIS STATEMENT Compose a thesis statement for your paper that includes the problem you have encountered in the media and your suggestion for what should be done to solve the problem. Thesis statement = topic + opinion Example: Teenagers are influenced by those around theme and current trends. The media often influences teens to purchase certain logos and brands, and this has become a major problem for our society. Identify the topic What is the writer’s opinion

8 FIRST DRAFT Create a first draft of your essay. Include: 1.A clear analysis of your own use of media 2.A reflection on the way that one aspect of the media has negatively affected you (problem) 3.A solution to the problem. (This should be at least one page) Your essay must also include: 4.a compelling introduction (beginning with a hook in the form of a question, a quote, a personal event, a statistic, or a startling or interesting fact)

9 PEER REVIEW After you have completed your rough draft, exchange drafts with a partner so that you can provide each other with suggestions for improving the organization and ideas. Refer to page 137 for questioning strategies.

10 PEER REVIEW Review your partner’s suggestions about your work and use this information to improve your next draft.

11 WRAP-UP Continue to make revisions and edit your draft. Revision: ARMS Edit: CUPS Write your final copy!


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