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Sustainability at OSU Mason Curtis, Audrey Phipps and Gina Santi.

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1 Sustainability at OSU Mason Curtis, Audrey Phipps and Gina Santi

2 Background  In 2003, Ohio State began converting buses to B20 biodiesel and finished in 2005.  In 2010 18 million kWh of green electricity was purchased  Also in 2010, Ohio State achieved LEED Silver certification  Climate Action Plan. Columbus, OH: Ohio State U, 2011. American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. 6 Apr. 2011. Web. 27 Sept. 2015. Zero Waste-OSU Spring Game

3 Current State  Topics  CABS  Geothermal Wells  Metering system  New Dorms  Air Conditioning/Heating

4 CABS  CABS currently still runs on gasoline, however electric buses are being looked into.  The buses run almost all day long  Electric buses are extremely expensive, from anywhere between $400,000- $900,000  Chargers for these buses also are about $250,000  It takes about 15 minutes for a completely depleted battery.  De, F. G., Marano, V., & Sioshansi, R. (January 01, 2014). Simulation of an electric transportation system at The Ohio State University. Applied Energy, 113, 1686-1691. Flickr "The Ohio State University Campus Area Bus Services"

5 Geothermal Wells  Project completed in 2013  411 wells drilled to a depth of 550 ft in the South Oval  Serve the South High Rise Residence complexes: Smith-Steeb Hall, Park Stradley Hall, and Bradley Hall  Additional 50 wells outside of the 11th Avenue Parking Garage that serve the new William Hall Complex  31% of the heating and cooling demands of the south district's residence halls "The Ohio State University’s Residence Halls’ Reducing Dependency on Fossil Fuels." What's Growing On?. The Ohio State University, 2015. Web. 26 Sept. 2015.

6 Geothermal Wells on OSU Campus "South Residential District"

7 Reducing Electricity Usage  LEED Silver Certicfication standards(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)  Metering system  allows campus community to view metered utility information: water usage and electricity  information available on website  "The goal of the website is to highlight energy consumption, develop awareness of university energy costs and foster conservation efforts at Ohio State.  Automated Blinds  Dimming lights ESS Documents." Facilities Operations and Development. The Ohio State University, 2014. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

8 Future Improvements  Transportation (Electric Buses)  Sustainability built into curriculum  Old infrastructure  Communicate and promote sustainability efforts  Waste disposal  Power  Bullock, Clair, and Gregory Hitzhusen. “Participatory Development of Key Sustainability Concepts for Dialogue and Curricula at The Ohio State University.” Sustainability 7.10 (2015): 14063–14091. CrossRef. Web.

9 Questions?

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