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ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 1 STEP for Space Applications -

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1 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 1 STEP for Space Applications - TAS and NRF Development Hans Peter de Koning (ESA/ESTEC D/TOS-MCV) Eric Lebègue (SIMULOG)

2 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 2 Topics of this presentation Overview of Application Protocols Current status of implementations Brief demo with ESARAD STEP-TAS Converter Development Toolkit STEP-NRF Network-model Results Format Application Protocol STEP-TAS Thermal Analysis for Space Application Protocol

3 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 3 NRF and TAS main documents STEP-NRF Network-model Results Format Application Protocol STEP-TAS Thermal Analysis for Space Application Protocol Definition and Results of Analyses, Tests & Operations Integrated Application Resource Space Domain Integrated Application Resource Thermal Analysis Integrated Application Resource

4 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 4 Application Reference Model & Units of Functionality TAS space_mission_aspects geometric_model kinematic_model thermal_radiative_model visual_presentation material_properties additional_physical_quantities_and_measures NRF product_structure network_model_representation bulk_results parameterized_functions date_and_time general_support The ARM is organised in UoFs UoFs are collections of application objects and their relationships specified in the terminology of the application domain

5 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 5 Main characteristics of NRF (1) Generic discipline-independent protocol Scope is definition and representation of: –engineering objects represented by a network-model of discrete nodes and relationships between the nodes -network-model may contain a submodel hierarchy –representation of properties of engineering objects for which result values can be predicted / observed at discrete states –analysis, test or operational campaigns / cases / phases –analysis, test or operational runs with associated results –product structure compliant with AP203 CC1 / PDM schema –relationships between product structure and network-model

6 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 6 Main characteristics of NRF (2) Results are properties with value and unit –Descriptive values (text string, item from enumerated list) –Numerical values (scalar, vector, tensor) –Parameterised function values (tabular interpolation, polynomial, limited expressions) NRF protocol has two separate parts: –“Static protocol”, discipline-independent data structures –Dictionairies defining node and node-relationship classes, properties, property-qualifiers, property-value-range,... Purpose of dictionairies is to enable flexible / adaptable use without need to re-issue the standard

7 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 7 Main characteristics of NRF (3) Great care is taken to define light, efficient data structures –Sparsely populated results value space –Properties only one kind of unit in a data set Starting on development of a “best of both worlds” solution –NRF for semantics –HDF5 for efficient binary portable implementation method (HDF = Hierarchical Data Format by NCSA)

8 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 8 Main characteristics of TAS (1) Self contained, complete Application Protocol –AAM, ARM, Mapping Table, AIM, Express-G (586 pages) –Conforms to TC184/SC4 methods and guidelines Geometry defined as AP203 CC4 surfaces Thermal-radiative model faces added as associated features –Including possibility to support hierarchical submodel tree –Associated notional thickness, surface material and bulk material –Thermo-optical, thermo-physical properties for named material –Concept of material property environment (Part 45) Kinematic model conform STEP Part 105 for articulating rigid bodies (e.g. rotating solar arrays, gimballed antennas)

9 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 9 Main characteristics of TAS (2) Space mission aspects –orbit arc (Keplerian and discrete ephemeris) –space co-ordinate system, celestial bodies –orientation, general and named pointing, spinning, linear rotation rates –space thermal environment, including constant or lat/long dependent albedo / planetshine tables Boolean construction surfaces available for advanced tools STEP-TAS CC1 Abstract Test Suite –conform STEP Part 3xx series –test suite has been used in validation of TAS processors

10 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 10 TAS geometry and thermal-radiative models Shapes –Primitives: triangle, rectangle, quadrilateral, disc, cylinder, cone, sphere, paraboloid –Compound shapes –Shapes conform to AP203 CC4 non-manifold surfaces Thermal-radiative model –associates thermal-radiative faces with surface shapes –thermal mesh –surface and bulk material

11 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 11 Illustration of basic TAS Keplerian orbit definition

12 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 12 STEP-TAS Conformance Classes thermal-radiative model with basic geometry kinematic model constructive geometry space mission aspects CC-1 CC-2 CC-3 CC-4 CC-5 CC-6

13 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 13 STEP-NRF implementation status Read/write library available with C and FORTRAN binding Prototypes produced with CNES and Electricité de France Being prepared for use in ESA’s next generation integrated thermal analysis tool code-named ‘Polytan’ as an open post- processing interface

14 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 14 STEP-TAS Implementation Status Read/write libraries available with C and FORTRAN bindings –Including programming tutorials / manuals (HTML and PDF) –Ported and verified on 5 platforms: PC/Windows, Sun/Solaris, HP/HP-UX, Compaq-Dec/Tru64, SGI/Irix –High level interface layer included at ARM/user domain level; Provides very significant savings in processor development effort Working processors –CC1 processor in ESARAD 4.1.x (released summer 1999) –CC1 processor in THERMICA release April 2000 –Currently large model cross validation ESARAD - THERMICA –Proof-of-concept prototypes developed with NASA-JPL for TRASYS and TSS (1998)

15 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 15 ROSETTA in ESARAD

16 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 16 ROSETTA in Baghera View

17 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 17 ROSETTA in THERMICA

18 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 18 Doris in THERMICA

19 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 19 Doris in Baghera View

20 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 20 DORIS in ESARAD

21 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 21 Mars Rover in TSS

22 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 22 Mars Rover in Baghera View

23 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 23 Mars Rover in ESARAD

24 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 24 Mars Rover in THERMICA

25 ESTEC TOS-MC Thermal and Structures Division SIMULOG 25-27 January 2000 NASA's STEP for Aerospace Workshop at JPLSheet 25 STEP-TAS future STEP-TAS Processor Development Kit available to thermal analysis tool vendors –From SIMULOG at nominal cost EURO/USD 1000 (Jan-2000) Including initial e-mail tech-support –Baghera View is available in addition (Contact Eric Lebègue) ESA is considering proposing STEP-TAS to ISO TC184/SC4 –New Work Item leading to new ISO 10303 part Continue large model cross-validation and performance tuning Initiate support for other conformance classes

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