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MHPE Volunteer Resource HEALTH PROMOTION Eat well, eat smart Tab 11.

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1 MHPE Volunteer Resource HEALTH PROMOTION Eat well, eat smart Tab 11

2 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart

3 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Eat well, Eat smart: the evidence Healthy eating is about pleasure, not pain More energy Feel good Less falls, fractures and illnesses Less cognitive decline and dementia Healthy independence Wound healing Better sleep

4 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart What is food? Protein: growth and repair Carbohydrates (starches and sugars): energy Fats: protection, absorption, hormones Fibre: filling, laxative, healthy bowel Vitamins and minerals Water Social, creative, sensory, pleasurable part of a healthy and happy life!

5 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Variety, every day Vegetables and legumes: 5 serves Fruit: 2 serves Grains/cereals (wholegrain): 6 serves Lean protein: 3 serves Dairy foods (soy equivalent) (low fat): 2.5 serves Water: 1.5 litres

6 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Limit some foods Saturated and trans fats, and moderate amounts only of mono/polyunsaturated fats Salt/sodium, both in processed food and added Sugars, both in processed food/drink and added Alcohol: no more than two standard drinks/day

7 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Glycaemic index (GI) Ranking of carbohydrate break down rate Low GI foods: slowly digested and absorbed –reduce hunger for longer –provide energy for longer –stabilise blood glucose High GI foods are absorbed faster Low GI foods: most vegetables, legumes, fruit, whole grains, nuts, dairy, firm pasta

8 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Reading food labels Use the ‘per 100g’ column to compare ‘Star’ system is a quick guide, but not specific Buy lowest fat (especially saturated/trans), sugar, salt/sodium Highest fibre where relevant Fat and sugar can have many names! Be vigilant about marketing claims on the front of the packet (‘light’, ‘reduced’, ‘low’)

9 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Weight management Weigh weekly/monthly at the same time e.g. bedtime BMI = weight (kg) ÷ height squared (m 2 ) Waist circumference and waist-hip ratio good health ‘markers’ –Measure monthly as slow to change Be as active as possible (see next module) Change should be gradual, and everyone responds at different rates Eat smart, try variety, be social, have fun!

10 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 11 Health promotion: Eat well, eat smart Resources A Healthy and Active Australia Cooking for 1 or 2 Dietitians Association of Australia Nutrition Australia The Food Coach Your Brain Matters Better Health Channel Food Safety Information Council © Commonwealth of Australia 2015

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