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Natural and Man-made Disasters: A Writing Opportunity for 11 th and 12 th Grade Environmental Science Students.

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1 Natural and Man-made Disasters: A Writing Opportunity for 11 th and 12 th Grade Environmental Science Students

2 National Writing Project McNeese State University Lake Charles, Louisiana June 28, 2010

3 Fred D. Houston, Sr. Physical Science Instructor Barbe High School, 2005 – 2006

4 Summary of Research Most of the writing that high school science students will do in their science class is based on reports that are technical in nature and may involve them recording their observations in regards to the scientific method process. While specialized writings are required in English and other high school subjects, the students tend to expect more “speeds, reads and feeds” reports in the science classroom as opposed to writing a poem or an essay in their non-science classes. It is important for students to write well in all of their classes and be able to express themselves adequately in various subjects as they write across the curriculum. While working at Barbe High School as a Physical Science Teacher in early September 2005, I can vividly recall telling my second-hour students to be extra kind and considerate to our new students from the New Orleans area as Hurricane Katrina had devastated New Orleans on August 29, 2005. We had approximately thirty new students from the area and five to six of them were in my science classes. I had observed unkind manners toward some of the New Orleans students and this was my reason for requesting extra kindness toward our new students. I also recall telling my students that we were very fortunate that Hurricane Katrina had not landed some 150 miles west of New Orleans or we would have been displaced ourselves! The rest of the story is history, as Hurricane Rita hit our area on September 24, 2005. The Katrina and Rita hurricanes, as well as other major hurricanes in Southwest Louisiana have been devastating natural disasters to the Gulf Coast during the last fifty-two years. These natural disasters as well as the on-going BP Oil Spill (May 20, 2010) are the driving forces in my desire to create this writing opportunity for all 11 th and 12 th grade environmental science students.

5 Rationale/Summary The demonstration provides an opportunity for high school students to write about their feeling as it relates to them personally experiencing a natural disasters, or/and a relative experiencing one. It is designed for students to recall events, places, thoughts, and possibly adverse conditions that may have existed before, during, and after the disaster. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to write and respond to the on-going British Petroleum (BP) oil spill saga that undoubtedly will have a lasting impact on their lives for many years in the future as residents (if they remain) in the Gulf Coast Region.


7 Environmental Science (Recommended for 11/12 Grade) Ecological Systems and Interactions Illustrate the flow of carbon, water, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus through an ecosystem (SE-H-A6) (LS-H-D1) Cite and explain examples of organism’s adaptations to environmental pressures over time. (SE-H-A8) Give examples and describe the effect of pollutants on selected populations (SE-H-A7)

8 Resources and Resource Management Identify the factors that cause the inequitable distribution of Earth’s resources (e.g. politics, economics, climate). (SE-H-B3) Evaluate the effectiveness of natural resource management in Louisiana (SE-H-B4) (SE-H-B5) Identify the factors that affect sustainable development. (SE-H-B6)

9 Environmental Awareness and Protection Determine the interrelationship of clean water, land, and air to the success of organisms in a given population (SE-H-C1) Relate environmental quality to quality of life (SE-H-C2) Analyze the effect of social, economic, technological, and political considerations on environmental policy (SE-H-C3) Analyze the risk-benefit ratio for selected environmental situations (SE-H-C4) Describe the relationship between public support and the enforcement of environmental policies (SE-H-C5)

10 Personal Choices and Responsible Actions Discuss how education and collaboration can affect the prevention and control of a selected pollutant (SE-H-D1) Discuss how education and collaboration can affect the prevention and control of a selected pollutant (SE-H-D2) (SE-H-D3) Determine local actions that can affect the global environment (SE-H-D4) Describe how accountability toward the environment affects sustainability (SE-H-D5)

11 Bibliography Staff of the American Press Newspaper (2006). Surviving Rita Hope Amid Ruin in Southwest Louisiana, Thomas B. Shearman III. Palser, Barb (2007). Hurricane Katrina Aftermath of Disaster, Compass Points Books. Bates, Kristina A & Swan, Richelles (2007). Through the Eye of Katrina: Social Justice in the United States, Carolina Academic Press. Towell, Larry (2006). In the Wake of Katrina, Archive of Modern Conflict. Larabee, Ann (2000). Decade of Disaster, University of Illinois Press. Obama, Barack (June 2010). “The Gulf Coast (Letter)”, Democratic National Committee. ( KPLC & Christus St. Patrick Hospital (2006). “Hurricane Rita Southwest Louisiana’s Story”, DVD Raycom Media.

12 Student Assignments 1.Write a two-page story describing the place, thoughts, and any adverse conditions that may have existed for you or your family during Hurricane Rita or Katrina. Feel free to write about your feelings and personal welfare just before, during, and after the Hurricanes. 2.Write a letter to the President of the United States in response to his email that he sent to Debbie Johnson-Houston (see attached) regarding the BP Oil Spill (June 5, 2010). 3.Write a few paragraphs expressing your concerns regarding the BP Oil Spill. Please describe your thoughts regarding this man-made disaster and how it will affect you; your family; and the Gulf Coast Region. What is the Government’s role in the BP Oil Spill? What can you do to help? 4.Extra Credit: Design a Hurricane Disaster Preparation and Survival Plan for your family and submit it to your instructor during your next lab period.

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