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INTRODUCING PSYCHOLOGY. What is Psychology? 4 A simple definition: 4 “the scientific study of behavior” 4 There are 2 parts to this definition.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCING PSYCHOLOGY. What is Psychology? 4 A simple definition: 4 “the scientific study of behavior” 4 There are 2 parts to this definition."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Psychology? 4 A simple definition: 4 “the scientific study of behavior” 4 There are 2 parts to this definition

3 Psychology as “the scientific study of behavior” -- 2 parts: 4 "scientific" refers to a specific method of study, characterized by careful observation and explanation (i.e., “hypothesis testing”) 4 "behavior" -- what counts here? --overt, "objectively observable" actions? YES. 4 what else? --covert, unobservable processes (e.g., images, feelings)? YES, also. 4 [text] psychology = "the scientific study of behavior and mind"

4 How long have scientists been studying behavior? 4 1879: Wilhelm Wundt, Leipzig: Does human consciousness have constituent parts that are identifiable? (“structuralism”) 4 "introspection”- consciousness has 3 components: sensations, images, and feelings 4 other early milestones: 1883, first American psychology lab founded at Johns Hopkins Univ.; 1888: second lab started at IU; 1892: American Psychological Association founded

5 What do psychologists do? 4 Experimental Psychology 4 Clinical Psychology 4 Biological Psychology 4 Developmental Psychology 4 Social Psychology

6 The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulations of others. Thought for the day...

7 Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology

8 Human behavior is most usefully understood in terms of 4 1. heredity, anatomy, and physiology (biological perspective) 4 2. conflict and tension between sexual and aggressive impulses, and external constraints or moral prohibitions (psychodynamic perspective) 4 3. conditioning and reinforcing ("response-shaping") influences of the external environment (behavioral perspective) 4 4. active processes of perception and thinking ("information processing") in the construction of behavioral responses (cognitive perspective) 4 5. innate efforts to increase self-awareness, responsibility, and personal fulfillment (humanistic perspective)

9 Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology 4 Psychological theories and research currently encompass many different viewpoints, or perspectives (e.g., biological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic). 4 A theoretical perspective can limit as well as enhance our understanding of behavior.

10 BIOLOGICAL perspective : Behavior is most strongly influenced by anatomy, physiology, and heredity

11 BIOLOGICAL perspective : 4 anatomy, physiology, & heredity 4 Darwin (1859) 4 "natural selection” (“functionalism”) 4 an extreme example: SOCIOBIOLOGY

12 Think of a committed romantic relationship that you have had. Imagine that your spouse or significant other becomes interested in someone else. What would distress you more: 4 A. Discovering that he or she has formed a deep emotional attachment to the other, confiding in that person and seeking comfort there rather than from you? OR 4 B. Discovering that your partner is enjoying daily passionate sex with the other person, trying positions rarely seen outside the Kamasutra?

13 PSYCHOANALYTIC perspective: Behavior is most strongly influenced by conflict and tension between sexual and aggressive impulses, and external constraints or moral prohibitions

14 PSYCHOANALYTIC perspective: originated with Sigmund Freud's work as a neurologist and psychiatrist 4 Behavioral determinism (e.g., “Freudian slips") 4 Importance of the UNCONSCIOUS 4 Strong impulses for Sexual Pleasure and Aggression

15 BEHAVIORAL perspective: Behavior is most strongly influenced by conditioning and reinforcing ("response- shaping") influences of the external environment

16 BEHAVIORAL perspective: behavior is primarily the product of environmental influences  John Locke: at birth the mind is a tabula rasa, or "blank slate" 4 John B. Watson: the proper focus of a science is on phenomena that are open to direct, reliable observation

17 COGNITIVE perspective : Behavior is most strongly influenced by active processes of perception and thinking ("information processing")

18 COGNITIVE perspective : 4 rather than being passive reactors to environmental stimuli, humans are active, rational processors of information 4 letters, numbers, etc., are processed as patterns, not discrete stimuli; this tendency is more "built in" than learned 4 Example: "Gestalt" psychology –“the whole is greater than the sum of the parts” –"phi phenomenon"

19 HUMANISTIC perspective : Behavior is most strongly influenced by innate efforts to increase self- awareness, responsibility, and personal fulfillment

20 HUMANISTIC perspective: based on philosophical and religious systems stressing the freedom, responsibility, dignity, and inherent goodness of human nature 4 Rogers: psychological experience is a continuous process of growth and maturation directed towards understanding and expressing what's truly meaningful to self  Maslow: the basic source of human behavior is the drive towards "self ‑ actualization"

21 Summing up: Human behavior is most usefully understood in terms of 4 1. heredity, anatomy, and physiology (biological perspective) 4 2. conflict and tension between sexual and aggressive impulses, and external constraints or moral prohibitions (psychodynamic perspective) 4 3. conditioning and reinforcing ("response-shaping") influences of the external environment (behavioral perspective) 4 4. active processes of perception and thinking ("information processing") in the construction of behavioral responses (cognitive perspective) 4 5. innate efforts to increase self-awareness, responsibility, and personal fulfillment (humanistic perspective)

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