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Final Year Option Social Enterprise Unit Leader: Mike Bull.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Year Option Social Enterprise Unit Leader: Mike Bull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Year Option Social Enterprise Unit Leader: Mike Bull

2 Time for change Social Enterprise is a new way of doing business ‘A business-like way of doing good’


4 Social enterprise This is not just business ‘as usual’ This is business with more than profit Socially Ethically and Morally driven and rapidly growing across the world

5 Do I know any Social Enterprises ?


7 Curriculum outline: The unit aims to provide a critical understanding of the concept of social enterprise The unit explores: Differences between social enterprise and other businesses in the public and private sectors Different types of social enterprises Theory and Practice Social Entrepreneurship – guest lectures from people that are involved in social enterprise Workshops – practical hands on skills for running a social enterprise Social enterprise

8 Teaching and learning strategies:  Teaching will be carried out through a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops, complemented by guest speakers from people within social enterprises  Lecture material will be enriched with practical examples drawn from a wide variety of sources including newspapers and journals  The seminars and workshops will be aimed at practical application of theory. These methods will be supported by ICT where relevant Assessment strategies: SummativeFormative Business Report (Groupwork) 40% Examination 60% Individual preparation of materials Social enterprise

9 Core Texts  Pearce, J., (2003) Social Enterprise in Anytown. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation  Social Enterprise Journal (on-line)  Ridley-Duff and Bull (2011) Understanding Social Enterprise Theory and Practice. Sage. CREDIT VALUE20CREDITS AT LEVEL: 3 AMOUNT OF STUDENT EFFORT (HOURS) 200LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (HOURS) 48 UNIT STATUSElective PRE-REQUISITESNone CO-REQUISITESNone Social enterprise

10 Social Enterprise Mike Bull

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