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Zygomatic Arches & Nasal Bones 1/15/2012 class.

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Presentation on theme: "Zygomatic Arches & Nasal Bones 1/15/2012 class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zygomatic Arches & Nasal Bones 1/15/2012 class

2 Zygomatic Arches

3 Jug Handle View X R

4 Jug Handle View R

5 Zygomatic Arches- SMV (jughandle view)
Note technique considerably reduced! R Temporal process of zygoma Zygomatic arch zygomatic process of temporal bone

6 Note difference in technique between SMV - skull and SMV - zygomatic arch

7 Zygomatic arches- SMV Similar to position for skull or sinus SMV
CR perpendicular to IOML,between arches, 1” posterior to outer canthus Tilt image receptor if possible

8 Zygomatic arches- SMV Evaluation Criteria
No rotation of head Arches free from superimposition of overlying structures Arches symmetric Arches not burned out

9 You make the Call! R R Depression fx. Left zygomatic arch

10 One advantage of cats:

11 What do you do when you get a patient with flat cheekbones or depression fx. ?

12 Single Zygomatic Arch – tangential projection

13 Single Zygomatic Arch -tangential projection

14 Single Zygomatic Arch-Tangential projection
CR to side of interest, perp. To IOML Tilt top of head 15 degrees away from side of interest ? Rotate midsagital plane15 degrees towards side of interest Bilateral

15 Tangential projection
Single Zygomatic Arch Tangential projection


17 Salvador Dali- how many women?

18 Zygomatic Arches-AP Axial
Occipital Mandible Zygomatic arch

19 Zygomatic Arch-AP Axial
Similar to Towne, except CR enters at glabella instead of 2” above CR 30 deg. Caudad to OML

20 AP Axial Zygomatic Arches Evaluation Criteria
No rotation Arches project laterally off rami Collimation and reduced technique

21 -more than just a place to rest your glasses?
Nasal Bones -more than just a place to rest your glasses?

22 Paired bones making up superior bony wall of nasal cavity –
Nasal bones Paired bones making up superior bony wall of nasal cavity – bridge of nose Along with lacrimal bones, thinnest and most fragile bones of entire human body !!


24 Nasal Bones


26 Naso-frontal suture (nasion) Nasal bone Anterior nasal spine
Lateral Nasal bones R Naso-frontal suture (nasion) Nasal bone Anterior nasal spine A B C

27 Projections for Nasal Series
Lateral Waters Tangential?

28 Nasal bones-lateral projection
2 exposures on one film? (No longer- algorithm can’t process on digital) 8x10 lengthwise CR perpendicular to bridge of nose, 1/2” distal to nasion Close collimation L R X

29 Nasal bones-lateral projection

30 Nasal bones-lateral projection



33 Did you know dogs have a sense of smell 10,000 to 100,000 x greater than humans?
Can detect CANCER patients by sniffing urine- at a rate 3x expected by chance Probably due to abnormal proteins in urine How to communicate?

34 Dogs Sniffing Breath After short, intensive training, 5 Labrador retrievers and 2 Portuguese water dogs In a double blind study sniffed 55 Pts with lung cancer, 31 with breast cancer 83 healthy people 90 % success rate Able to detect early stages Hoping to create electronic device

35 When dealing with drunk, disoriented, dim or uncooperatiave patients, the need for immobilization may require creative use of available equipment-

36 Nasal Bones-Parieto-acanthial projection
Demonstrates displacement of bony nasal septum (Vomer and perp. Plate of ethmoid) depressed fx’s of nasal wings R

37 Nasal bones- Tangential projection
Doesn’t work well on children, large foreheads, protruding front teeth, concave faces

38 Nasal Bones-Tangential projection

39 Nasal bones -Tangential
If you had no occlusal film--

40 What is the proper medical term for “nosejob”?

41 Does it help?




45 King of all Rhinoplasty

46 Rare condition known as “Penis Proboscus”
“Sure, kids made fun of me when I was young, but now I love it when I have a cold. It feels so good when you blow my nose!” !

47 You think you work with old equipment?
From a book published 1941



50 The End

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