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Fitness Changes During Adolescence © Gallahue, D.L., Ozmun, J.C., & Goodway, J.D. (2012). Understanding Motor Development. Boston: McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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Presentation on theme: "Fitness Changes During Adolescence © Gallahue, D.L., Ozmun, J.C., & Goodway, J.D. (2012). Understanding Motor Development. Boston: McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill/Irwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitness Changes During Adolescence © Gallahue, D.L., Ozmun, J.C., & Goodway, J.D. (2012). Understanding Motor Development. Boston: McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2012 McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

2 17-2 Although Differences Exist Between Genders As Well As Within Genders on Measures of Health-related and Performance Related Fitness, Adolescent Males and Females Have the Potential to Make Significant Improvements Through Regular Participation in Physical Activity.

3 17-3  Components: ( aerobic endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, joint flexibility, body composition)  Assessment difficulties - sampling issues - reliability issues - validity (lab vs. field)

4 17-4  Measures (Lab: max VO 2 ; Field: 1mile walk/jog)  Females & males improve at near parallel rates  Males faster than females at all ages  Males show rapid yearly improvements until late adolescence  Females improve at a less rapid rate than males  Females plateau and regress from mid adolescence on

5 17-5  Measures (Lab: dynamometers, tensiometers; Field: modified sit-ups, abdominal crunch, push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups)  Females improve at less rapid rate than males  Females tend to plateau during mid adolescence  Males show slow gains prior to puberty, rapid gains after

6 17-6  Measures: (Lab: goniometer; Field: sit-and- reach)  Females outperform males at all ages  Females make yearly incremental improvements until late adolescence  Males regress during early adolescence followed by rapid improvement

7 17-7  Measures (Lab: Under water weighing, electrical impedance; Field: BMI, Skinfold calipers)  Females have higher % body fat than males at all ages  Females % body fat increase rapidly during late childhood and early/mid adolescence with plateau in late adolescence ( the female triad )

8 17-8  Males increase in % body fat during late childhood and preadolescent period  Males decrease in % body fat during early adolescence and maintain low fat levels throughout adolescence

9 17-9  Components ( speed, power, agility, balance, coordination )  Genetically dependent  Resistant to major environmental change  Relatively stable  Related to skillful sport performance

10 17-10  Measures (Lab: Reaction time; Field: 50-100 meter sprints)  Boys & Girls similar throughout childhood  Males outperform females at all ages

11 17-11  Males make more rapid improvement after puberty than females  Males make significant annual gains throughout childhood and adolescence  Females tend to plateau during mid- adolescence

12 17-12  Measures (Lab: Force Plate; Field: stick balance, one foot balances, beam walk)  Static: Males/females make significant qualitative & quantitative gains throughout childhood and adolescence  Dynamic: Females/males improve throughout childhood and adolescence  Dynamic: Males make rapid improvements after puberty

13 17-13  Static/Dynamic: Females tend to outperform males during childhood  Static/Dynamic: Females & males are similar during adolescence with no clear advantage to either

14 17-14  Measures (Lab: dynamometers; Field: vertical jump, distance jump & throw)  Boys & girls similar throughout childhood  Males significantly outperform females during and after puberty  Males make significant annual increments throughout adolescence  Females begin to plateau during early adolescence & regress by mid-adolescence

15 17-15 A Variety Of Laboratory And Field Based Measures Have Been Devised That Attempt To Assess Elements Of Both Health-related And Performance-related Fitness

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