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Leadership World Café CCCCA Annual Fall Conference October 15, 2015 Double Tree Hilton Hotel San Jose Leaders: Why Our Own Learning is Essential.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership World Café CCCCA Annual Fall Conference October 15, 2015 Double Tree Hilton Hotel San Jose Leaders: Why Our Own Learning is Essential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership World Café CCCCA Annual Fall Conference October 15, 2015 Double Tree Hilton Hotel San Jose Leaders: Why Our Own Learning is Essential

2 Workshop Objectives: In this workshop, participants will learn about strategies, processes and tools used by other LPC Coordinators to:  successfully engage in the role of facilitator,  strategically develop key messages and communication tools, and  effectively plan, develop and carryout Strategic Plans for their LPCs and other local initiatives

3 Why Our Own Learning Is Essential Most of us in the field of education recognize the importance of learning, and yet for a variety of reasons we are often challenged and fail to give adequate emphasis to our own learning.

4 Conversational Leadership

5 The World Café Method The World Café Methodology Draws on 7 integrated design principles: 1. Setting -Create a “special” environment, most often modeled after a café 2. Welcome and Introduction -setting the context, sharing the Cafe Etiquette, and putting participants at ease. 3. Small Group Rounds-The process begins with the first of three or more twenty minute rounds of conversation for the small group seated around a table. 4. Questions- each round is prefaced with a question specially crafted for the specific context and desired purpose of the World Café. 5. Harvest- After the small groups (and/or in between rounds, as needed), individuals are invited to share insights or other results from their conversations with the rest of the large group. source:

6 Let the Conversations Begin!! Move to another table when you hear the chimes

7 As we close… Share something you learned Share a feeling that emerged for you Something you will put into practice

8 “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” ~Lou Holtz THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARCITPATION!

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