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OUR CULTURE AND TRADITIONS Mrs. Adjinian and Mrs. Lockton Anthony Elementary 3 rd grade October 10, 2013 How does culture and traditions change our identity?

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Presentation on theme: "OUR CULTURE AND TRADITIONS Mrs. Adjinian and Mrs. Lockton Anthony Elementary 3 rd grade October 10, 2013 How does culture and traditions change our identity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR CULTURE AND TRADITIONS Mrs. Adjinian and Mrs. Lockton Anthony Elementary 3 rd grade October 10, 2013 How does culture and traditions change our identity?

2 Standards RI.3.9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. W.3.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace. VA. 1.3 Identify and describe how foreground, middle ground, and background are used to create the illusion of space. VA. 2.2 Mix and apply tempera paints to create tints, shades, and neutral colors.

3 Integrated Learning Outcome Students learned about what culture and tradition are by reading about Native American Tribes and studied about different characters with different cultural backgrounds. A. Students wrote an article that… 1. Defined culture and tradition by citing evidence from Native American Tribes. 2. Compared their traditions with Anthony’s or Curt (from HM) 3. Identified the tradition they will preserve and why. B. Students created a collage with background, middleground, and foreground that will represent their culture/tradition, the way it was in the past (background), the way it is in the present (middle ground), and they way they will preserve their culture (foreground).

4 Creative Process: Imagine/Examine/Perceive What pieces of the project require students to examine the world, perceive artwork or imagine something new. *Students had to examine their culture and tradition and bring items from home that represents their culture and traditions symbolically. *They also had to think of different ways of expressing their thinking through cut outs/photos/etc. *They had to use two complementary colors for their background.

5 Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Which activities ask students to explore the content, experiment with ideas and build new skills? *Students experimented with primary colored tempera paint to create different shades/tints. They thought of a way to incorporate their painting into their collage to represent their culture and tradition symbolically.

6 Creative Process: Create What pieces of the project are devoted to students creating their artwork? *Students were given markers, scissors, crayons, construction paper, tempera paint, and tape. *They had to either bring objects or create replicas of objects for symbolic representation of their culture and tradition.

7 Creative Process: Reflect/Assess/Revise Which activities ask students to reflect on their work, assess their progress and revise their project? *Students had to revise and edit their writing assignment several times using the criteria for success in writing developed by teachers. * Before they started gluing their collage, they shared which complementary colors they would use with their partners and what items they would glue and why. *The students took notes as they listened to the presentations. They wrote which complementary colors were used and what the tradition the presenter will preserve.

8 Creative Process: Time to Share! How will students share their work with others? After they completed their collage, students presented their collage to their groups. Then, they presented it to the class and explained what they chose to include in their collage.

9 Authentic Performance-Based Summative Assessment

10 Summative Reflection: Student Comments

11 Summative Reflection: Teacher Comments What we loved! Students shared their ideas and helped one another on how to represent their culture/tradition symbolically without any prompts.


13 This lesson was the result of the work done at the Arts Every Day workshop offered through the Fresno County Office of Education.

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