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Certified Trainer Conference Call August 26 th, 2005.

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1 Certified Trainer Conference Call August 26 th, 2005

2 Introductions  Introductions  Julie Elm – Partner and Program Manager  Celina Oliver – Partner Certification Specialist  Janet Moore – Manager, Sage SalesLogix Training  Mike Long – Sage Abra HRSM Training Manager  Leslie Burkes – Director of Training & Professional Services, Non- Profit Solutions

3 Today’s Objective  Create a forum to communication and share information relative to the Sage Software Certified Trainer (CT) Program  Open to all Sage Software Certified Trainers  Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200  Sage BusinessWorks  Sage MAS 500  Sage SalesLogix  Sage MIP Fund Accounting  Sage Abra HRMS  Sage PFW  Today’s attendees include Certified Trainers affiliated with ATCs and Certified Trainers affiliated with Business Partners

4 Today’s Agenda:  How to become certified to teach additional classes  Overview of the Sage Software Certified Trainer Web Site  What are the Certified Trainer Reporting Requirements  Curriculum News  How to leverage your Certified Trainer Status  Who to contact at Sage Software with Certified Trainer related questions  Your questions and issues

5 How to Become Certified To Teach Additional Classes Step 1 Submit Additional Certified Trainer Application Step 4 Attend Product Training Class Step 2 Purchase Trainer Curriculum desired Course Step 3 Pass Product Assessment

6 Certified Trainer Web Site  Contains critical and timely information related to:  Trainer Certification  Trainer and Student Curriculum releases  Classroom Tools  Certified Trainer Logos  Certified Trainer Program Guides  Certified Trainer Applications  Curriculum Order Forms  How to order Sage Software Course Curriculum  Where to find the latest Certified Trainer Tools and Resources  Address:  Login: trained  Password: toteach

7 Certified Trainer Reporting Requirements  Fax or Mail within 10 days following the completion of training:  Student Sign-in Sheets  Student Evaluation Forms  Separate forms for CTs vs. ATCs  CTs use forms located on CT web site  ATCs use forms located on ATC web site

8 MAS 90 and 200 4.10 Update  Partner Workshop (Trainer Re-Certification Requirement)  All Certified Trainers are required to attend  Limited seats in September!  Go to to  Assessment to go out within 5 business days following completion of class  Assessments must be completed before Certified Trainer Curriculum will be shipped  Customer Workshops  Start teaching after November 1, 2005  4.10 Trainer Re-Certification must be completed prior to teaching  All 4.10 release dates are posted on the web site

9 Sage Abra HRMS  Closing Year End Now Available  New CT Certification open to all Abra Payroll CTs  Train-the-trainer sessions beginning in October  Discounted curriculum and Year-End data  Contact Mike Long for more information and registration  Curriculum Update  Q4 data to be posted to CT website  Abra HRMS v8.0 to be released in Q4  Crystal v10 to be included with Abra HRMS v8.0  Abra Suite v7.4 to continue until further notice

10 Sage SalesLogix Certified Trainers  Sage SalesLogix Certified Trainers – 30  Curriculum Changes  SalesLogix v6.2 Customer Service Student Guide Available September 1, 2005 Price: $35 per manual Customer Service Trainer Guide to follow  SalesLogix v6.2 End User Student Guide Rebranded for Sage Software Available September 1, 2005 Price: $55 per manual End User Trainer Guide in development  No changes to Admin v6.2 Curriculum

11 SalesLogix End User Student Curriculum  No new features - corrections and updates only  Summary of changes posted on CT web site  Updated PowerPoint slides – available Sept. 1, 2005

12 MIP Fund Accounting ERP Update  Version 7 Trainer Re-Certification Requirement :  Web classes for all certifications (Core, Payroll, AFM and Tech)  Limited seats in September!  Go to to  Assessment following completion of class  Assessments must be completed before Certified Trainer Curriculum will be shipped  Customer Workshops  Version 7 Trainer Re-Certification must be completed prior to teaching

13 Leverage Your Certified Trainer Status  Commit to an annual training marketing plan  Developed based upon what you know today  Be open to changes  Revisit quarterly  Track your Results  Costs  Mailing codes/Promotional Codes  Set up a “Jump Page”

14 Leverage Your Certified Trainer Status  Market to Potential Students  Your customers  Businesses in your area using Best Software products  Market to Past Students  Follow-up “thank-you” for attending emails  Include Next Step/Next Class with promotion  Offer in-class specials

15 Leverage Your Certified Trainer Status  Educate your entire company on what it means to be an Certified Trainer  How does this differentiate you from other Business Partners Illustrates a strong commitment to customer satisfaction Distinguishes your company from other business partners Backed by Sage Software’s commitment to high qualify curriculum standards  When and how to discuss training with your customers  Where to find information on your training services  Designate point person to call with Certified Trainer or training related questions

16 Leverage Your Certified Trainer Status  Introduce training during the Sales Cycle  Promote your Certified Trainer Status  Develop a training plan that includes both classroom and one- on-one training elements  Educate customers on the benefits of both

17 Certified Trainer Contact List  – central email box for all product lines  Mike Long - Abra Suite 727-579-1111 ext 3380  Celina Oliver - Sage BusinessWorks, Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200, Sage MAS 500 and Sage PFW and Sage BatchMaster 949-450-3840 Leslie Burkes- MIP Fund Accounting 888-825-5647 ext 6162, Janet Moore SalesLogix 480-368-3815,

18 Future Conference Call Schedule  All calls are held at 10:00am PDT  Wednesday, November 16 th  Wednesday, February 15 th


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