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Pen pal 南昌师范附属实验小学 执教老师:洪瑜婷. Questions What’s your name? How old are you? What’s your favourite day? What’s your favourite food? Who’s your favourite.

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Presentation on theme: "Pen pal 南昌师范附属实验小学 执教老师:洪瑜婷. Questions What’s your name? How old are you? What’s your favourite day? What’s your favourite food? Who’s your favourite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pen pal 南昌师范附属实验小学 执教老师:洪瑜婷

2 Questions What’s your name? How old are you? What’s your favourite day? What’s your favourite food? Who’s your favourite teacher? You are a reporter. Please interview your friends. 现在你是一位记者,来采访你的朋友吧! Interview tip ( 采访小提示) : Don’t forget to say hello,thank you, goodbye to your friends! Be a polite kid! ( 做一个有礼貌的好孩子!)

3 Our tasks for today Our tasks for today 我们今天的任务 1.Introduce ourselves. ( 介绍自己,互相了解) 2.Introduce my friend to you. ( 介绍一位朋友给你们) 3.Make new pen pals. ( 交个新笔友)

4 I am writing a letter to my pen pal. pen pal: pen friend a[ ] apple cat bag map hat

5 Dear Zhang Peng, My name is Jack. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Monday. We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch. Potatoes are my favourite food. Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Mr Li. He ’s our art teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very active. Tell me about your school, please. Your pen pal, Jack

6 Read and circle: 快速浏览短文,在文中圈出以下信息。 Name Age (年龄) School Favourite day Favourite food Favourite teacher Reading tip: 在阅读时,我们可以根据自己所需要 了解的信息快速浏览,获取关键信息。

7 Dear Zhang Peng, My name is Jack. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Monday. We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch. Potatoes are my favourite food. Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Mr Li. He ’s our art teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very active. Tell me about your school, please. Your pen pal, Jack

8 Read and underline: 默读信件,找出以下问题的答案,在答案下划线 1.What day is Jack’s favourite day? 2.What classes does Jack have on that day? 3.What’s Jack’s favourite food? 4.Who is Jack’s favourite teacher? 5.What’s his favourite teacher like? Reading tip: 在阅读时如果需要寻找细节信息, 我们可以放慢阅读的速度,在找到的关键信息 处做好标记,如划线。

9 Dear Zhang Peng, My name is Jack. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Monday. We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch. Potatoes are my favourite food. Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Mr Li. He ’s our art teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very active. Tell me about your school, please. Your pen pal, Jack

10 Check the answers 1.What day is Jack’s favourite day? Monday. 2.What classes does Jack have on that day? P.E. and computer class. 3.What’s Jack’s favourite food? Potatoes. 4.Who is Jack’s favourite teacher? Mr Li. 5.What’s his favourite teacher like? He is tall and strong. He’s very active.

11 Dear Zhang Peng, My name is Jack. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Monday. We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch. Potatoes are my favourite food. Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Mr Li. He ’s our art teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very active. Tell me about your school, please. Your pen pal, Jack

12 Talk about them. 根据关键词复述信件 Retell tip: 当我们复述文章时,我们可以先整理出复述时 需要的关键词,再根据这些关键词进行复述, 这样我们就能简单正确的复述了。

13 Retell tips: NameJack Age10 School Willow school Favourite day Monday Reason P.E. class and computer class potatoes for lunch Favourite food potatoes Favourite teacher Mr Li art teacher Reason tall and strong active

14 Dear friends, My name is Tommy. I am 10 years old. I study in NanShiFuXiao. My favourite day is Monday. We have Chinese , math and science. My favourite food is cabbage.Because it is fresh. My favourite teacher is Mr Xie. He ’s our Chinese teacher. He is short and kind. Please be my pen pal, ok? Your pen pal, Tommy

15 Dear friends, My name is Vicky. I am 10 years old. I study in NanShiFuXiao. My favourite day is Thursday. We have art , P.E. and Chinese. My favourite food is fish. Because it is healthy. My favourite teacher is Miss Hong. She ’s our English teacher. She is pretty and nice. Do you want to be my pen pal? Your pen pal, Vicky

16 Dear friends, My name is Lisa. I am 10 years old. I study in NanShiFuXiao. My favourite day is Friday. We have Chinese , math and English. My favourite food is beef.Because it is tasty. My favourite teacher is Miss Hong. She ’s our English teacher. She is pretty and nice. Do you want to be my pen pal? Your pen pal, Lisa



19 Tommy pen pals Vicky Lisa Do you want to be their ?

20 Dear______, My name is___________. I am __________years old. I study in_______. My favourite day is ________________. We have _______,______and _____. My favourite food is______,because it’s_____. My favourite teacher is ______. He/She is our_____ _____. He/She is _____ and ______. Your pen pal, __________

21 Tommy pen pals Vicky Lisa Do you want to be their ?

22 What have we learned today? ( 今天我们学到了什么呢?) 1. Pronunciation (音标) :a[ ] 2.Words:pen pal (笔友): pen friend 3.Reading skills (阅读技巧) : a. 在阅读时,我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信息快速 浏览,获取关键信息。 b. 在阅读时如果需要寻找细节信息,我们可以放慢阅读 的速度,在找到的关键信息处做好标记,如划线。 c. 当我们复述文章时,我们可以整理出复述时需要的关 键词,再根据这些关键词进行复述,这样我们就能简单 正确的复述了。 4.Write a letter to our new pen pals. We have new pen pals. (我们给我们的新笔友写了封信介 绍自己,我们有新的笔友了。) 5.We should love our friends! 我们应该关爱我 们的朋友,珍惜友谊!

23 Do you want to be my pen pal? Write a letter to me,ok? 想和老师成为笔友吗 ? 那就回家给我写封信吧! Address: 南昌师范附属实验小学 Name: 洪 瑜婷 (Sunny) Postal code:330000 Thank you!

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