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Blood Typing Chapter 17 (Marieb) ndsteiner/landsteiner.html.

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1 Blood Typing Chapter 17 (Marieb) ndsteiner/landsteiner.html

2 Blood Typing Important for giving transfusions Antigen – unique marker on cell surface Antibody – protects against foreign antigens Agglutination - clumping

3 ABO Blood Group Your ABO blood type is determined by presence or absence of antigens on RBCs – type A person has A antigens – type B person has B antigens – type AB has both antigens – type O has neither antigen most common - type O rarest - type AB

4 Rh Factor (D antigen) Named after rhesus monkey Also important to identify Makes blood type + or -

5 Diagnostic Blood Tests Hematocrit Hemoglobin concentration Total count for RBCs, reticulocytes, WBCs, and platelets Differential WBC count RBC size and hemoglobin concentration per RBC Blood type

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