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Consumers of Captioned DTV: Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and Beyond Donna L. Sorkin Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumers of Captioned DTV: Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and Beyond Donna L. Sorkin Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumers of Captioned DTV: Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and Beyond Donna L. Sorkin Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

2 Key Issues uThe Evolution of Captioned Television uUsers of Captioning uOpportunities to Improve Captioned TV uYour Role in Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Analog to Digital

3 Captioning: 0 to 100 uVoluntary captioning/Separate decoders uTV Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 uTelecommunications Act of 1996 uNew captioning features via DTV

4 Faces of Hearing Loss uSpans ages uCrosses educational and socio-economic characteristics uIncludes people in cities/rural areas uImpacts people of all ethnicities uIncludes your viewing audience regardless of location or category of programming

5 Hearing Loss in America uOne of the most common disabilities u28 million D/HoH people uEstimated 10% of total population u6 million use hearing technology u2 million with profound hearing loss

6 Incidence Varies by Age…At last count u3% up to age 18 u10% at age 40 u33% at age 65 u50% at age 80

7 Incidence of Hearing Loss is Increasing uNoise Induced Hearing Loss on the Rise uOne study measured 15% incidence in teens uBaby Boomers Entering Middle Age

8 Captioning Users uLikely not the entire 28 million all the time u½ or more of the deaf/HoH population are users uChildren use captions from age 7 or 8 uPeople for whom English is a Second Language uAudio off users (i.e., airports, bars, public places) uFamily members often get hooked uConvenience/benefit for everyone

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