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Colon Cancer Mr. Gensic I am picking this because my Grandpa had colon caner, and my dad has had colon cancer already removed from his colon.

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Presentation on theme: "Colon Cancer Mr. Gensic I am picking this because my Grandpa had colon caner, and my dad has had colon cancer already removed from his colon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colon Cancer Mr. Gensic I am picking this because my Grandpa had colon caner, and my dad has had colon cancer already removed from his colon.

2 Colon Cancer Statistics About 49,000 deaths in 2008 About 108,000 new cases in 2008 Symptoms Bloody stool Fatigue Obstructed Bowel

3 Science Behind Colon Cancer Form in the tissue of the colon, which is part of the large intestine. The cancer begins in cells that make and release mucus. The cancer cells begin to divide rapidly and uncontrolled, because of mutated DNA. The cancerous cells get into the blood and spread throughout the body.

4 Possible Causes Age (build up DNA mutations over time) Diabetes Alcohol Comsumption High Fat and Cholestorel Diets 25% of Cases have a genetic component (thanks, Dad) Polyps Obesity

5 Prevention/Treatment Prevention: See your doctor if you have symptoms Balanced Diet, Healthy Weight, Active Lifestyle, Genetic Counseling, Don’t Smoke, Colonoscopy Doctor can remove your colon and extend the small intestine to your anus. Treatment: drugs Colectomy-surgery to remove the tumor. Colostomy-Removal of part of the colon.

6 Organizations American Cancer Society Colon Cancer Alliance Colorectal Association of Canada Hold a fundraiser, participate in a walk, donate money, participate in surveys, participate in studies.

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