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About the APEBI M. Jamal BENHAMOU General Manager APEBI March 1 st 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "About the APEBI M. Jamal BENHAMOU General Manager APEBI March 1 st 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 About the APEBI M. Jamal BENHAMOU General Manager APEBI March 1 st 2005

2 Summary  Overview  Aims & Objectives  Structure of Apebi

3 Overview (1/3)  Apebi : Moroccan Information Technologies Professionals Association  Founded in 1989 - 10 members  For more than 10 years, Apebi has been dedicated to advancing the growth of the information technology (IT) industry in Morocco.

4 Overview (2/3)  In 2004, > 100 companies are members of Apebi  Apebi represent 95% of the IT industry turnover in Morocco.  Apebi's membership includes manufacturers, distributors, resellers, solution providers, ISPs, ASPs, software developers, e-commerce, consulting, training, engineering and telecom

5 Overview (3/3)  A quality label for the users thus Apebi continues to grow by enrolling companies which meet high standards of : Reliability Competence Quality and continuity

6 Aims & Objectives (1/4)  Apebi's goal is to : Promote our member companies Defend their interests Improve their bottom line performance Educate them on important industry developments

7 Aims & Objectives (2/4)  That means : Provide a code of ethics Provide good quality products, services and solutions Promote the usage of IT in Morocco Promote the collaboration between the universities and the IT industry Export & explore possible collaborations abroad

8 Aims & Objectives (3/4)  That means : Offering a variety of conferences on broad industry issues Maintaining a permanent dialogue with the Government Promoting their participation to major IT trade shows SitExpo is a major event organized by Apebi every two years

9 Aims & Objectives (4/4)  That means : Collaborating actively with other partners Providing market surveys

10 The structure of Apebi (1/4)  A board composed of major IT companies 1 President : M. Bachir RACHDI  An executive council 4 Vice Presidents 1 General Secretary 1 Deputy General Secretary 1 Treasurer 1 Deputy Treasurer 11 Presidents of Commissions

11 The structure of Apebi (2/4)  11 Commissions E-government Ethic IT Strategy Investment & Development Technological Survey Training & IT Human Ressources Export & International Relations Sectorial Levelling

12 The structure of Apebi (3/4)  11 Commissions Innovation & Entrepreneurship IT Infrastructure Marketing & Communication  A permanent staff General Manager Project Manager Communication & Web Site Coordinator Principal assistant

13 The structure of Apebi (4/4)  Board : 20 major IT companies  Executive council : 20 member A dream team composed of 68 goodwills  Commissions : 44 members  Permanent Staff : 4 members

14 … And also many partners  Thanks for their cooperation

15 Thank you for your attention APEBI

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