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NGSS on the North Slope November 15, 2014. NGSS Adopted August 2013  North Slope Borough School District was the first district in Alaska to adopt the.

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Presentation on theme: "NGSS on the North Slope November 15, 2014. NGSS Adopted August 2013  North Slope Borough School District was the first district in Alaska to adopt the."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGSS on the North Slope November 15, 2014

2 NGSS Adopted August 2013  North Slope Borough School District was the first district in Alaska to adopt the NGSS!

3 Why new standards?

4  Previous standards were 15 years old…  New information from: …Taking Science to School …How People Learn… …Etc….

5 Background  “Framework for K-12 Science Education” is the ‘go to’ document when you have questions.”  Thousands of the best scientific and educational minds in the country worked on this document…”

6 Background  NGSS were developed using the Framework as a guide.”

7 Next Generation Science Standards 

8 Important understanding  Next Gen Science Teaching is Three Dimensional”


10 Scientific and Engineering Practices 1. Asking questions and defining problems 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and information and computer technology 6. Developing explanations and designing solutions 7. Engaging in argument 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

11 Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Patterns Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Scale Proportion and Quantity Scale Proportion and Quantity Systems and System Models Systems and System Models Energy and Matter Energy and Matter Structure and Function Structure and Function Stability and Change Stability and Change

12 Integrating the Three Dimensions Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts T he practices of science and engineering, combine with the core ideas to make sense of the natural and designed world, and the cross cutting concepts are the big ideas that connect the disciplines.











23 Getting started…  Go to Rubicon Atlas  Select “Develop” tab









32 Stage One of UBD  Select the Content Area Standards you want to teach through this unit.

33 Framework for K – 12 Science Education  Atlas Rubicon  References  School References  Next Generation Science Standards Framework - click here to download

34 Resources  National Science Teachers Association … webinars … articles … books  National Science Education Leadership Association

35 Stage One of UBD  In thinking about your unit…  Which ILF Overarching Understandings and Performance Expectations could be taught through this unit?  Less is more…

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