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February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors SLIS Masters Degree Programs of Study Maintains generalist orientation within the accredited MLS Provides opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors SLIS Masters Degree Programs of Study Maintains generalist orientation within the accredited MLS Provides opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors SLIS Masters Degree Programs of Study Maintains generalist orientation within the accredited MLS Provides opportunity for concentration Offers coherent framework of courses Emphasizes student/advisor negotiated contract

2 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors POS Principals & Perspectives Entrepreneurial –Faculty propose POS –Develop curriculum Responsive to: –perceived market needs –opportunities –trends

3 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors Structure of POS Core courses as foundation Specific POS course requirements No preordained credit hour requirements (minimum of 36 hours) Draws upon existing course inventory and encourages development of new courses Courses can support one or more POS

4 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors Three POS for 1998 General Practitioner –Basic 36 hours MLS –Generalist –9 hours core courses –15 hours -- one course required in each area: Information Organization Information Access Information Technology User Information Behaviors Management Medical Informatics Learning Resources Endorsement/School Library and Media

5 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors Some Implications Rapid response to changing markets and technology and information trends Rational basis for course inventory –each course supports one or more POS –eliminate courses not being used Potential for major course development to support POS Potential for collaboration (within & outside UNT) to support POS

6 February 13, 1998UNT SLIS Board of Advisors Your Tasks Today: Each group will –Discuss POS as strategy for SLIS curriculum Dangers -- too narrow scope of specific POS? Opportunities -- making SLIS more competitive? Criteria for selecting POS -- which ones should we do? –Assess whether graduates would have more value to you? –Identify and develop a POS for consideration Future: BOA will –Ongoing assessment of POS strategy –Feedback on proposed and existing POS

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