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FYSE/FYE 102. FYSE 102 Motion Resolved, for students entering as first-time freshmen in 2009 and 2010 FYSE 102 will be optional with the following exceptions.

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1 FYSE/FYE 102

2 FYSE 102 Motion Resolved, for students entering as first-time freshmen in 2009 and 2010 FYSE 102 will be optional with the following exceptions. First-time freshmen admitted as at-risk as determined by the director of admissions and the director of the ARC and all international students for whom English is a second language will be required to take FYSE/FYE 102.

3 A National Portrait of First-Year Students Jennifer Keup & Jillian Kinzie, 2007 “Entry into college is one of the most important developmental transitions in students’ lives.” Average age 18-24 “particularly important phase…in respect to intellectual, moral and identity development” (Evans, Forney, & Guido-Dibrito, 1998; Upcraft, 1989). 89% in Residence – first time to live away from home

4 PRACTICES WITH HIGHEST MEAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO RETENTION FOUR-YEAR PRIVATE COLLEGES What Works In Student Retention – Four-Year Private College © 2004 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. Programs, Services, Curricular Offerings, InterventionsMean Contribution Freshman Seminar/University 101 (credit)3.9 Integration of Advising with First Year Transition Programs3.9 Advising Interventions with Selected Student Populations3.8 Increased Advising Staff3.8 Comprehensive Learning Assistance Center/Lab3.8 Internships3.7 Learning Communities3.7 Reading Center/Lab3.7 Tutoring Program3.7 Faculty Mentoring3.7 Extended Freshman Orientation (credit)3.6 Summer Bridge Program3.6 Program for Honors Students3.6 Required On-Campus Housing for Freshmen3.6

5 What Works in Student Retention – Four- Year Private Colleges © 2004 by ACT, Inc. Retention practices responsible for the greatest contribution to retention in four-year private colleges fall into three main categories: First-year programs: including freshman seminars/university 101, learning communities, extended orientation programs, integration of academic advising w/ first-year programs Academic advising: including advising interventions w/ selected student populations, increased advising staff, integration of advising w/ first-year transition programs Learning support: including a comprehensive learning assistance center/lab, reading center/lab, tutoring program, summer bridge program

6 FYSE 102 – Course Objectives This course helped me develop skills and strategies to assist with my transition to Marietta College. This course helped me develop skills and strategies to assist with my transition to Marietta College. *17/24 sections 4.00 or above This course helped introduce me to the various support services on campus such as ARC, Counseling Center, Library, Career Services, etc. This course helped introduce me to the various support services on campus such as ARC, Counseling Center, Library, Career Services, etc. *19/24 sections 4.00 or above

7 FYSE 102 Course Goals Transition to Marietta College: What is the Marietta College “culture”? What makes the college tick? How do you get things done? What are our expectations of you as a student and member of the college community? Where do you get help? How will you balance your time between being a student and athlete, theatre, student activities? The lab provides a means for examining these and other similar issues, as well as help in developing strategies that will help you succeed at the college. Transition to Marietta College: What is the Marietta College “culture”? What makes the college tick? How do you get things done? What are our expectations of you as a student and member of the college community? Where do you get help? How will you balance your time between being a student and athlete, theatre, student activities? The lab provides a means for examining these and other similar issues, as well as help in developing strategies that will help you succeed at the college.

8 FYSE 102 Course Goals Peer Group: The lab will become a “home base” for you. A comfortable and safe place where you can share your thoughts and know they will be accepted and understood. You will also be exposed to the viewpoints other than your own. In the lab you will not only develop as an individual, but also build relationships that will provide you with support and friends. Peer Group: The lab will become a “home base” for you. A comfortable and safe place where you can share your thoughts and know they will be accepted and understood. You will also be exposed to the viewpoints other than your own. In the lab you will not only develop as an individual, but also build relationships that will provide you with support and friends.

9 FYSE 102 Course Goals College Standards and Expectations: As a community there are certain things we expect from our community members. Some of these relate to your academics while other your social responsibilities. Like any community there are policies and procedures and practices that have been put into place for benefit of all. The lab will help you become aware and familiar them so that you can assume your role as a mature and responsible member of the college community. College Standards and Expectations: As a community there are certain things we expect from our community members. Some of these relate to your academics while other your social responsibilities. Like any community there are policies and procedures and practices that have been put into place for benefit of all. The lab will help you become aware and familiar them so that you can assume your role as a mature and responsible member of the college community.

10 FYSE 102 Course Goals Life beyond the Classroom: The reason you are here is to get a good education and while a good bit of your learning will take place in the classroom much more will actually occur outside of it. Marietta has a multitude of rich co and extra-curricular opportunities that are not only fun, but also provide for different learning experiences. The lab will afford you the chance to sample some of these. Life beyond the Classroom: The reason you are here is to get a good education and while a good bit of your learning will take place in the classroom much more will actually occur outside of it. Marietta has a multitude of rich co and extra-curricular opportunities that are not only fun, but also provide for different learning experiences. The lab will afford you the chance to sample some of these.

11 FYSE 102 Course Goals Mentorship: We know from doing this for a long time and actual research that the sooner you establish a relationship with an adult member of the college community the greater the chances are that you will have a successful transition. The lab is taught primarily by student affairs administrators whose only interest is your success. They will be there for you when you need a resource, a sympathetic ear, or a pat on the back for a job well done. Mentorship: We know from doing this for a long time and actual research that the sooner you establish a relationship with an adult member of the college community the greater the chances are that you will have a successful transition. The lab is taught primarily by student affairs administrators whose only interest is your success. They will be there for you when you need a resource, a sympathetic ear, or a pat on the back for a job well done.

12 FYSE 102 – Course Objectives This course helped me develop skills and strategies to assist with my transition to Marietta College. This course helped me develop skills and strategies to assist with my transition to Marietta College. *19/24 sections 4.25 or above This course provided an introduction to college policies and procedures. This course provided an introduction to college policies and procedures. *17/24 sections 4.20 or above This course introduced me to a variety of co- curricular programs at Marietta College This course introduced me to a variety of co- curricular programs at Marietta College *19/24 sections 4.00 or above

13 FYSE 102 – Course Objectives This course helped me to take greater responsibility as a member of this community. This course helped me to take greater responsibility as a member of this community. *14/24 sections 4.00 or above This course helped me develop a relationship with a member of the college faculty, administration or staff. This course helped me develop a relationship with a member of the college faculty, administration or staff. *19/24 sections 4.05 or above

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