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Breast Tumors Diagnosed as Papillary Neoplasm by FNAB Dae-Kyum Kim, Sang-Uk Woo, Jeong-Han Kim, Seok-Jin Nam, Yoon-La Choi 1, Young-Lyun Oh 1 and Jung-Hyun.

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Presentation on theme: "Breast Tumors Diagnosed as Papillary Neoplasm by FNAB Dae-Kyum Kim, Sang-Uk Woo, Jeong-Han Kim, Seok-Jin Nam, Yoon-La Choi 1, Young-Lyun Oh 1 and Jung-Hyun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breast Tumors Diagnosed as Papillary Neoplasm by FNAB Dae-Kyum Kim, Sang-Uk Woo, Jeong-Han Kim, Seok-Jin Nam, Yoon-La Choi 1, Young-Lyun Oh 1 and Jung-Hyun Yang Department of Surgery and 1 Pathology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine

2 Introduction Papillary neoplasm (PN) of the breast Fine Needle Aspiration Biosy (FNAB)

3 PN and FNABPN and FNAB - It is difficult to determinate their malignancy (Jeffrey and Ljung 1994) - Several other breast lesions may have similar features and may be misclassified as PN by FANB (Kline et al 1986, Naran et al 1988, Bardales et al 1994)

4 Methods Breast tumors diagnosed as “PN” by FNAB at Samsung Medical Center between Oct. 1994 and May 2004 Retrospective study for 66 patients who underwent surgery - Diagnostic accuracy - Malignancy - Radiologic malignancy and pathologic results Radiologic malignancy Radiologic benign; BIRAD 1~3 Radiologic malignant; BIRAD 4~5 Statistics t test Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test

5 Results 1.Pathologic results for PN on FNAB No. of patients n=37 (56.1%) n=29 (43.9%)

6 2. Tumor Size Size (cm) 1.5cm2.8cm P=0.001 Mean size= 2.1 cm

7 3. Pathologic Results of True PN (n=37) Pathology No. of patients (%) Multiple papillomas (MP)*18 (48.6) Solitary papilloma (SP) † 11 (29.7) Papillary DCIS (pDCIS) 4 (10.8) Invasive papillary ca (IPCA) 4 (10.8) * Including 5 cases of MP+other tumors; 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), 1 non pDCIS, mucinous ca, 1 invasive ductal ca(IDC) † Including 3 cases of SP+other tumors; 2 non pDCIS, 1 IDC

8 4. Pathologic Results of non PN (n=29) No. of patients 5 (17.2%)24 (82.8%) *15 IDC, 9 DCIS † 3 fibroadenoma, 1 fibrocystic disease, 1 phyllodes tumor

9 5. Malignant Neoplasm No. of patients n=16 (43.2%) n=21 (56.8%) n=24 (82.2%) n=5 (17.2%) p=0.001

10 6. Radiologic Malignancy and PN No. of patients n=15 (42.9%) n=20 (57.1%) n=22 (71.0%) n=9 (29.0%) p=0.027

11 7. Radiologic Malignancy and Pathologic Malignancy No. of patients n=30 (85.7%) n=5 (14.3%) n=10 (32.3%) n=21 (67.7%) p<0.001

12 8. Cases of Radiologic Benign but Pathologic Malignant Tumors No. of patients (%) DCIS 5 ( 50.0) IDC 3 ( 30.0) IPCA 2 ( 20.0) Total10 (100.0)

13 An invasive papillary carcinoma (Lt) and a papilloma with clustered papillary architecture, which are difficult to differentiate malignancy

14 Conclusions When FNAB suggests ‘Papillary Neoplasm’, even if a radiologic benign, surgical excision should be considered because of high possibility of malignant tumor

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