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2012-13 FALL ELIGIBILITY MEETINGS. COMPLIANCE STAFF Heath Senour – Associate Athletic Director for Compliance Cindy Gillam – Compliance Coordinator We.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-13 FALL ELIGIBILITY MEETINGS. COMPLIANCE STAFF Heath Senour – Associate Athletic Director for Compliance Cindy Gillam – Compliance Coordinator We."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMPLIANCE STAFF Heath Senour – Associate Athletic Director for Compliance Cindy Gillam – Compliance Coordinator We are located in the Convocation Center Main Athletic Suite We are on Twitter - follow us @OwlsCompliance

3 COMPLIANCE OFFICE MISSION STATEMENT The Kennesaw State University Compliance Office strives to provide a comprehensive compliance program with a focus on four general elements: rules education, policies and procedures, monitoring and self-reporting. This focus allows us to protect the integrity of the University, while fostering a culture of compliance and institutional control as required by the NCAA. Our visibility and availability are important aspects of providing a proactive approach as we assist the University, our student-athletes, institutional staff and donors/boosters in understanding the complex nature of NCAA rules.

4 REQUIRED COMPLIANCE FORMS All NCAA and KSU forms are required before any student-athlete is eligible for practice or competition. Are there any questions regarding these forms?

5 NCAA YEAR ROUND DRUG TESTING  If you test positive for a banned substance during a NCAA administered drug test, you:  will be declared INELIGIBLE to compete during the regular season and postseason competition for ONE CALENDAR YEAR (i.e. 365 days) after your positive test, and  will be charged with the loss of a minimum of one season of competition in all sports  If you test positive a second time for a banned substance during a NCAA administered drug test, you:  will lose all remaining regular-season and post season eligibility in all sports

6 NCAA YEAR ROUND DRUG TESTING  Review the 2012-13 List of Banned Substances  Notify your Athletic Trainer of any medications or supplements  It is your responsibility to check with your Athletic Trainer before using any medications (including prescription medications) and supplements

7 SEASONS OF ELIGIBILITY  5 Years to Play 4  Any amount of time in a competition, counts as a season used  Exceptions  Soccer and Volleyball – Spring competition does not count as a used season, provide SA was eligible during Fall season.  During initial year of enrollment, SA may compete in exhibition contests and preseason practice scrimmages (as permitted in specific sport) without using a season.

8 SEASONS OF ELIGIBILITY  Additional Criteria  Redshirt  Medical Hardship  Redshirt  No competition, except for exceptions discussed earlier

9 SEASONS OF ELIGIBILITY  Medical Hardship  Incapacity resulting from injury or illness  No competition in second half of season  Competed in no more than 30% of scheduled/completed contests  Filed with the Atlantic Sun Conference

10 OUTSIDE COMPETITION  During the academic year, student-athletes may not participate on any outside team in any noncollegiate amateur competition.  Exceptions for sports other than basketball:  Outside of declared playing and practice season during any official vacation period.  Competition as individual (“unattached”) ● Cannot wear/use institutional apparel; ● Cannot receive expenses from the institution; and ● Cannot receive instruction from an institution’s coach.

11 AMATEURISM – AGENTS AND RUNNERS  You are ineligible if you or a family member ever:  Accept money, transportation or other benefits from an agent or runner;  Agree orally or in writing to be represented by an agent; OR  Allow an agent to market your athletics ability or reputation.

12 AMATEURISM  You are immediately ineligible if you ever:  Accept pay, or promise of pay,  Agree orally or in writing to compete in professional athletics,  Compete on any professional athletics team,  Use athletics skill for pay,  Promote a commercial product or service, OR  Allow your name to be used in commercial promotion or advertisement.

13 AMATEURISM – FEE FOR LESSONS  You may receive compensation for teaching or coaching skills techniques in your sport on a fee- for-lesson basis, provided you:  Do not use institutional facilities,  Do not provide a playing lesson,  Do not receive payment from someone other than the recipient or the recipient’s family,  Do not market/advertise your availability for such lessons, AND  Receive written approval to conduct fee for lesson sessions from compliance office (see form).

14 AWARDS AND BENEFITS – EXTRA BENEFITS  You may not accept anything that is not available to the general student body or the general public!  This applies to you AND your friends and relatives.  Benefits include, but are not limited to the following:  Transportation  Food  Clothing  Course supplies not covered via scholarship  Financial loan  Drinks and Cover (Admission) to Nightclubs and/or Events

15 AWARDS AND BENEFITS – EXTRA BENEFITS Unadvertised Discounts  Receipt of unadvertised discounts not available to the general public is considered an impermissible extra benefit.  Any discount must be advertised and available to the general public. IF YOU WANT TO PROTECT YOUR ELIGIBILITY, ASK THESE QUESTIONS: 1. Is it available to you because you are a student- athlete? OR 2. Is it available GENERALLY TO ALL KSU STUDENTS determined on a basis unrelated to athletic participation or ability?

16 AWARDS AND BENEFITS – EXTRA BENEFITS It is not permissible to sell or exchange items that you have received as a result of your participation in intercollegiate athletics. Examples include, but are not limited to: Apparel Equipment Awards (team awards, conference awards, NCAA awards, championship rings, academic awards, letter awards, etc.)

17 AWARDS AND BENEFITS – COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSIONS  A Student-Athlete may not:  Receive payment from any source for his or her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value.  Sell or exchange his or her complimentary admissions for money or any item of value to anyone, including teammates or other student-athletes.

18 COUNTABLE ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITIES In Season  20 Hours a week (week is declared by your coach)  Limited to 4 hours a day  Day of competition counts as 3 hours regardless of time  Required to provide one day off per week  Travel day can be the one day off  Hour, weekly and day off requirements don’t apply during institutional vacation periods (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break)

19 COUNTABLE ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITIES Out of Season  Limited to 8 hours a week  6 hours of strength and conditioning  2 hours of skill instruction  2 days off per week  No required workouts beginning one week prior to final exams through conclusion of each student-athlete’s final exams.

20 COUNTABLE ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITIES Voluntary Activities  Must not be required to report back to a coach or other staff member (e.g. trainer, manager, strength coach)  Must be initiated and requested solely by the student-athlete (NOT required)  Attendance and participation (or lack thereof) may not be recorded for the purpose of reporting attendance to the coach or teammates  Must not be subject to penalty if you elect not to participate  In team sports, coaching staff may not be present

21 COUNTABLE ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITIES Logging CARA  Coaches are required to log your weekly practice hours via new JumpForward System  Your response to notification e-mails via JumpForward are required to verify your practice hours If you have questions regarding your practice hours, don’t hesitate to contact the Compliance Office.

22 ETHICAL CONDUCT  Compete with Honesty and Sportsmanship at all times  Be Forthcoming  Follow NCAA Gambling Rules  You will be immediately ineligible if you:  Are involved in point shaving or other activities to influence the outcome or win-loss margin; or  Solicit or accept a bet or participate in any gambling activity involving wagering on KSU, you lose all remaining eligibility

23 GAMBLING/SPORTS WAGERING RISK + REWARD = VIOLATION Violations Include:  Accepting a bet or placing a bet for anything of value (money, food, etc.)  Providing inside information Examples include Fantasy Leagues, Super Bowl and NCAA Tournament Pools/Brackets.

24 EMPLOYMENT Student-Athlete Employment  May only be paid for work actually performed  At a rate that is comparable to the going rate for similar services  May not be compensated as a result of being a student-athlete

25 ACADEMICS/ELIGIBILITY All Student-Athletes must:  Be enrolled in 12 hours (for practice and competition)  See your SASS advisor before changing classes  Never drop a course without first consulting with your SASS advisor

26 ACADEMICS/ELIGIBILITY Exception to Full Time Enrollment  If you require less than 12 hours to graduate in your last semester  Requires certification from Registrar’s Office  Work with your SASS advisor

27 ACADEMICS/ELIGIBILITY All Student-Athletes must complete:  6 credits per semester to be eligible the following term  18 credits during the regular academic year (summer courses may not be used)  24 credits prior to the 2 nd year (summer courses may be used) AND  Declare a major prior to 3 rd year

28 ACADEMICS/ELIGIBILITYCumulativeGPA % of Degree Completion Entering 2 nd Year 1.8 cumulative GPA Entering 3 rd Year 1.9 cumulative GPA40% Entering 4 th Year 2.0 cumulative GPA60% Entering 5 th Year 2.0 cumulative GPA80%

29 ACADEMICS/ELIGIBILITY Post-Season Eligibility  To be eligible for any post-season competition (A-Sun tournament, NCAA Regionals and Championships) after semester ends, you must:  Pass 6 credits  If enrolled in less than 6 credits, must pass all classes

30 KSU E-MAIL Your Kennesaw State E-Mail address is the official form of communication from all of Kennesaw State, including athletics, financial aid, student-accounts, etc.  You are responsible for this information

31 JUMPFORWARD  JumpForward will be used for the following:  NCAA and KSU Eligibility Forms  Complimentary Admissions Requests  A brief training session will be scheduled with our ticketing office  Approving your Practice and Competition Logs on a monthly basis  You will receive e-mails from us regarding these

32 BOOKS  New process for Book Scholarships:  Special After Hours Pick-Up  August 13 th and 17th  Have your current schedule and Student ID  Books will be ready when you go to bookstore  Sign off on bookstore form

33 HOUSING  Agreements signed with KSU Residence Life Housing.  Addendum signed with KSU Athletic Association.  KSU Pays Length of Occupancy – 9 months  Self Pays Length of Occupancy – 12 months

34 HOUSIN G  NCAA Legislation prohibits KSUAA to pay for your housing or the storage of your personal belongings unless you are enrolled in summer school.  Contact Cindy Gillam for arrangements and pro-rated daily rate if interested in remaining in on-campus housing during the summer breaks.  Charge will be accessed by KSU Residence Life & placed on Owl Express account.

35 HOUSING  Additional Charges:  Utility (electrical) overages above cap  Damages to property  Replacement keys / lost room key  Lock out fines  Garbage Fines  Keys not returned at move out  Charges placed by Residence Life on Owl Express accounts.  Make copies of all forms you sign with Residence Life / KSU Housing.

36 HOUSING  First occupants of new community  YOU are representing:  The Kennesaw Community  The Kennesaw State University  The Kennesaw State Athletic Association  Your KSU Team  Yourself

37 GO OWLS!!!! Wishing you success in the classroom, in competition, and in the community! Be a Champion!

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