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E-journals Accessing articles from your desktop Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba.

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Presentation on theme: "E-journals Accessing articles from your desktop Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-journals Accessing articles from your desktop Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba Ph. 789-3464 Email:

2 Introduction E-journals are: – electronic versions of paper journals – subscribed to by U Manitoba Libraries Access: – is more complex than paper but more widely distributed – rose from 22 titles in 1997 to over 3300 today – Libraries canceling paper in favour of electronic subscriptions

3 Today's Topics BISON Library Catalogue E-journals listing Using PubMed to find full-text articles on a topic UM Links Access using E-Z proxy

4 BISON Library Catalogue Most complete listing of UML e-journals – Contains all the necessary access information – direct links to web sites – userid's and passwords – help pages Caveat: does not include how much is covered

5 BISON Library Catalogue - Search Open BISON Web Select "Periodical Title (browse)" to search Type the journal title into the search window and hit enter To do a new search click "New Search" Try searching these: Circulation Research Clinical Nephrology Nursing homes: long term care management Circulation Research Clinical Nephrology Nursing homes: long term care management

6 E-journals listing on Libraries web site Browsable list of e-journals available alphabetically or by subject. Updated on the weekend. To find articles on a particular subject it is best not to use this listing but an article database.

7 PubMed What is PubMed? – An Internet search engine developed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine – PubMed searches the MEDLINE database

8 Accessing PubMed Most people access PubMed by going to however this doesn't show our holdings. Access PubMed using the NJMHSL web page: Tip: You may wish to bookmark / add to favorites the PubMed URL.

9 PubMed basic searching Enter significant terms in the query box (e.g. otitis media) Click on the Go button.Go PubMed Search Seminars are available.available

10 Using PubMed to Access E-journals Icons are used to identify UM journals Links to e-journals and BISON library catalogue Shows what paper journals are available in each library These icons are only visible in the "Abstract" display.

11 Sample PubMed Citation in Abstract View

12 A closer look at UM Links Available in most of the University of Manitoba Libraries databases. Do a search in your favourite database. Click on the UM Links icon. A window opens and indicates if a journal is available: – electronically – in paper format in our libraries – and provides access to other services like document delivery

13 What UM Links looks like

14 Can't find it electronically? Loansome Doc Graduate students, residents staff and faculty of UM and affiliated hospitals may use PubMed's Loansome Doc to order articles from the Health Sciences Libraries. To use Loansome Doc. Register online with PubMed. To order select the articles you are interested in by clicking the checkbox next to the article. When you are ready to order, select “Order” from the "Send to" menu. Citations are sent to the Library electronically The Library staff obtain the articles for you and place them on the "Hold Shelf" at the Circulation Desk. FOR FREE!

15 Pubmed limitations Access to e-journals in PubMed is limited to those subscriptions held by the University of Manitoba Libraries. PubMed doesn't provide required userid's and passwords. BISON Library catalogue must be searched to locate these userid's and passwords.

16 What to do if you have a citation - PubMed Single Citation Matcher If you have a citation or even part of a citation and want to get access to the article… Click on the Single Citation Matcher link in the menu on the left of the PubMed search screen. Fill in as much detail as you can and click Go. Try it for yourself. Author = Smith Journal = JAMA

17 What to do if you have a citation - Citation Linker Citation Linker is a part of the UM Links service which means that you can access electronic journals and check BISON all in one location. Citation Linker covers journals not included in PubMed. Citation Linker is available from the NJMHS Library home page. Citation Linker Fill in as much information as you have about the article citation. Tip: You must fill in the full journal title in order to search. Try finding: Diabetes Care, 2004. Feb, 27(2); 415-420.

18 EZ-Proxy: Access to E-journals from home Allows faculty/staff and students access to restricted library resources from off campus. Click on a restricted resource and you will be presented with a "User Authentication Screen".

19 EZ-Proxy: Access to E-journals from home Login using your University of Manitoba Library ID and PIN Your Library ID includes ALL of the digits on your library card (omit any hyphens or spaces) Your default PIN number is usually either the last 4 digits of the card OR the last 4 digits minus one (as shown). Change your PIN from the default to access e-journals from home.

20 More full-text There are many other databases which offer full text articles. – MD-Consult – Cochrane Library – Health & Wellness Centre – EbscoHost – ProQuest Direct – CINAHL

21 Summary Accessing e-journals can be as easy as a couple of Internet clicks. The easiest way to access e-journal articles is through Pubmed. The most accurate way is through BISON! If you can't access an e-journal contact us

22 Thank you! Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library Phone: (204) 789-3464 Fax: (204) 789-3922 E-mail: An e-mail will be sent to you for comments on this presentation. Help us improve this presentation!

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