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1 Supermassive BHs do not correlate with DM haloes of galaxies J. Kormendy & R. Bender 2011, Nature, 469, 377 2011 Feb 10 Sang Chul KIM ( 김상철 )

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Presentation on theme: "1 Supermassive BHs do not correlate with DM haloes of galaxies J. Kormendy & R. Bender 2011, Nature, 469, 377 2011 Feb 10 Sang Chul KIM ( 김상철 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Supermassive BHs do not correlate with DM haloes of galaxies J. Kormendy & R. Bender 2011, Nature, 469, 377 2011 Feb 10 Sang Chul KIM ( 김상철 )

2 Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) 2 Bigger BHs live in bigger bulges  “BH growth and bulge formation regulate each other” (“BHs and bulges coevolve.”) M●M● σ

3 M-sigma relation M●M● σ χ 2 = 0.79 M ● - σ relation 3

4 M-L relation M●M● L M ● - L relation 4

5 Bulge - disk 5 Ferrarese (2002, ApJ, 578, 90)

6 Bulge - disk 6 Baes et al. (2003, MN, 341, L44)

7 Bulge - disk 7 Ferrarese (2002, ApJ, 578, 90), Baes et al. (2003, MN, 341, L44) : correlation between BHs and the (non-baryonic) DM haloes  V circ – σ circular rotation velocities of gas in the outer parts of galaxies, where gravity is controlled by DM  DM also regulates BH growth.  unknown, exotic physics controls BH growth

8 Disk - DM 8 Sancisi & van Albada (1987, IAU Symp 117, 67) V circ

9 BH – Disk ? 9 Kormendy & Gebhardt (2001, 20 th Texas Symp. Relativ. Astrophys, 363)

10 Disk V circ Baes et al. 03 Ferrarese 02 Correlations! 10 bulge σ BH M ● - σ relation Sancisi & van Albada 87 DM × Kormendy & Gebhardt 01 ?

11 11

12 Disk V circ Correlations! 12 bulge σ BH M ● - σ relation DM If !  V circ should correlate tightly with σ even in galaxies with no bulges

13 V circ – σ relation ? Fig 1 Bulgeless and pseudobulge galaxies (coloured points + N3198)  only a weak correlation between V circ and σ 9.2m Hobby-Eberly Telescope High Resolution Spectrograph - Instrumental vel. disp. = 8 km/s N5457 (M101) N6946 V circ - σ relation breaks down even at V circ = 210 km/s N4258 N2841 M31 N7331 Classical bulges pseudobulges Black field circles – N3198, χ 2 = 0.25, r=0.95 + points : χ 2 =2.6, r=0.77 13

14 Metallicity Distribution Fu Ho (2007, ApJ, 668, 94)  weak correlation! 14

15 Classical bulge galaxies 15

16 Fig S2 16

17 Is σ a surrogate for BH mass? Fig 1 17

18 M ● - host galaxy properties 18

19 M ● - host galaxy properties E galaxies Classical bulges Pseudobulges NGC 2787 (a dominant pseudobulge + possibly a small classical bulge) Only a nuclear SC (neither a classical bulge, nor a large peudobulge) E galaxies S0 galaxies M ● - L relation M ● - σ relation 19

20 M ● - host galaxy properties E galaxies Classical bulges Pseudobulges M ● - L relation M ● - σ relation Good! Better! Classical bulges ~ E galaxies : both form by galaxy mergers Pseudobulges : high-density, central components in galaxies isolated galaxy disks evolve slowly as non-axisymmetries (such as bars) redistribute angular momentum  pseudobulges grow out of disk material  No correlation between M ● - σ 20

21 M ● - host galaxy properties E galaxies Classical bulges Pseudobulges NGC 2787 (a dominant pseudobulge + possibly a small classical bulge) Only a nuclear SC (neither a classical bulge, nor a large peudobulge) E galaxies S0 galaxies M ● - L relation M ● - σ relation χ 2 = 12.1, r=-0.82 Good! χ 2 = 5.0, r=0.89 Better! Galaxy disks do not correlate with M ● ! Classical bulge or E only! χ 2 =63, r=0.27 χ 2 =10.4, r=-0.08 χ 2 =81, r=0.41 χ 2 =11, r=0.29 21

22 BH – DM : none! BHs do not correlate with DM! χ 2 =11, r=0.29 22

23 (d) M ● - V circ 23

24 Disk V circ Baes et al. 03 Ferrarese 02 Conclusion 24 bulge σ BH M ● - σ relation Sancisi & van Albada 87 DM × Kormendy & Gebhardt 01 no correlation! × No reason for the unknown, exotic physics of non-baryonic DM to control the BH growth

25 25 Thank you.

26 Kormendy, Bender, & Cornell 2011, Nature, 469, 374 26 M ● - L relation M ● - σ relation χ 2 =12, r=-0.82 χ 2 =5.0, r=0.89

27 Kormendy, Bender, & Cornell 2011, Nature, 469, 374 27 M ● - L relation

28 Kormendy, Bender, & Cornell 2011, Nature, 469, 374 28 M ● - σ relation

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