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WELCOME TO MRS. PARSHLEY’S 6 TH GRADE CLASS!. What is Advisory? Monday: Students write agenda down for the week, Grade check Tuesday: Study Hall/SSR Wednesday:

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MRS. PARSHLEY’S 6 TH GRADE CLASS!. What is Advisory? Monday: Students write agenda down for the week, Grade check Tuesday: Study Hall/SSR Wednesday:"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Advisory? Monday: Students write agenda down for the week, Grade check Tuesday: Study Hall/SSR Wednesday: Teacher Collaboration School starts 15 minutes later Thursday: Study Hall/SSR, Organize Binders Friday: Group Choice (Games, Read, Draw, etc.) Every day, before first period

3 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1.Positive, consistent, clear expectations 2.Earn PRIDE tickets for positive choices and classroom excellence 3.“Bean Jar” for class incentive to work together—party for filling the jar 4.No Missing Assignments rewarded once a month

4 Writing 1) Spelling will be assigned each Monday or the first day of the school week. The work will be due each Friday or the last day of the week. 2) Spelling Tests will be every Friday or last day of the week 3) Writing process Practice together and as individuals 4) Write several types of papers Persuasive Expository Narrative, etc.

5 Grammar 1) D.O.L. – Students will do this as bellwork (right when they come through the door) 2) Parts of Speech - Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Prepositions, etc.

6 Grading Writing Daily Work/Participation60 % Tests/ Quizzes40% 90-100A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 0-59F

7 Late Work Policy Late Work Policy 2013-2014  Quarter deadlines with three week notices  Full credit for missing work  No credit for work turned in during the week that includes the end of the quarter  Schedule o End of Quarter 1 (Nov. 1 st )  Three Week Notice on Oct. 7 th  Two Week Notice on Oct. 14 th  One Week Notice on Oct. 21 st  No Credit on Oct. 28 th o End of Quarter 2 (Jan. 24 th )  Three Week Notice on Dec.16 th  Two Week Notice on Jan. 6 th  One Week Notice on Jan. 13 th  No Credit on Jan. 20 th o End of Quarter 3 (Mar. 21 st )  Three Week Notice on Feb. 24 th  Two Week Notice on Mar. 3 rd  One Week Notice on Mar. 10 th  No Credit on Mar. 17 th o End of Quarter 4 (June 4 th )  Three Week Notice on May 5 th

8 Power Schools


10 Thank you! Email: Phone: Phone: 855-4375

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