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Welcome to 6 th Grade Math! Meet Mr. Naiker  Welcome to our classroom!  3 rd year teacher (and 3 rd year Viking!)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Math! Meet Mr. Naiker  Welcome to our classroom!  3 rd year teacher (and 3 rd year Viking!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Math! Meet Mr. Naiker  Welcome to our classroom!  3 rd year teacher (and 3 rd year Viking!)

2 What’s a day look like in 6th Grade Math? LaunchLessonClosure Warm Up, Entry Task, Learning Target Teams work collaboratively to solve a mathematical task where all team members can contribute Reflect Core Connections (CPM)Core Focus on Math Ch. 1: Introduction & Representation Ch. 2: Arithmetic Strategies & Area Ch. 5: Multiplying Fractions and Areas Unit 1: Understanding Decimals Unit 2: Multiplying & Dividing Decimals Unit 3: Understanding Fractions

3 Group Work Activities include open- ended, rich in multiple abilities, and support learning important mathematical concepts and skills central to a big idea. Students develop autonomy and interdependence within each team through the use of roles, norms and teacher interventions.

4 Other assignments?  Homework Homework will be given to students that relate to each lesson so that students can practice the skills they learned in their teams at home, individually.  Journal entries Students will occasionally be asked to write a journal prompt in their workbooks to reflect on their own learning. These prompts will allow me to see what the students are learning and what they may be missing.  Assessments Assessments will be given throughout the quarter and grades will be posted in Skyward no later than 3 days after assessment. Assessments will be returned to students for feedback and students will be given opportunities for re-tests.

5 How can I contact Mr. Naiker?  Check the class websiteclass website  If you have an email address, make sure that’s included in your student’s Skyward profile. Updates with upcoming assignments, assessments and class expectations will be sent through email.  Email I am quick to respond to emails! At the very least, I guarantee a 24-hour response time on weekdays.  Call me before or after school at (425) 204-2829

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