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18th and 19th Century Movements Industrialization, Imperialism, and Isolationism.

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Presentation on theme: "18th and 19th Century Movements Industrialization, Imperialism, and Isolationism."— Presentation transcript:

1 18th and 19th Century Movements Industrialization, Imperialism, and Isolationism

2 Industrial Revolution Started in England  1. Natural Resources- Iron Ore, Coal, Wool  2. Government Encouraged it  3. Mobile Society  4. Large labor force  5. 2 Large Markets  6. Money

3 Inventions  James Watt- Steam Engine  Steam engine was used in the textile industry, agriculture, and transportation  Could have been the single  most important invention during  the Industrial Revolution

4 Henry Bessemer  Made a process to make steel faster and cheaper  Helped the Railroad Industry

5 George Stephenson’s Locomotive

6 Automobile  Karl Benz

7 Henry Ford  Model T  Assembly line production

8 Airplanes  Wright Brothers

9 Eli Whitney  Interchangeable Parts  Cotton Gin

10 Medical Achievements  Louis Pasteur  Vaccine for Rabies  Pasteurized milk

11 Biology  Charles Darwin  Evolution  Survival of the Fittest  Social Darwinism- Hitler and the Holocaust

12 Economic Theories  Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels  Socialism- Business and production is controlled by the Government  Creates a classless society

13 Economic Theory  Laissez-faire capitalism  Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus  Hands off approach by the government with Free Enterprise

14 Imperialism  Africa taken over by Europe  Liberia and Ethiopia only Ind. Countries in 1914.  India taken over by British  Sun never set on British Empire  French in Southeast Asia (French Indo China)  Spheres of Influences in China

15 Strong Countries / Weak Countries  European Countries  United States  Japan  African Countries  India  China  Southeast Asia

16 Wars during Imperialism  Opium War (China vs Britain)  Boxer Rebellion (China vs Western Powers)  Spanish American War (US vs Spain)  Russo-Japanese War (Russia vs Japan)  Sino-Japanese War (China vs Japan)  Boer War (British vs Dutch in South Africa)  Sepoy Rebellion (Britain vs India)

17 Isolationism  China and Japan had adopted a policy called Isolationism.  The Treaty of Nanking following the Opium War opened up some ports in China.  Matthew Perry of the U.S. bribed Japan to open their ports. China- Qing or Manchu Japan- Tokugawa

18 David Livingstone  Missionary that explored interior of Africa  Named landmarks after Queen Victoria  Victoria Falls, Lake Victoria  Henry Stanley- Reporter sent to find him  Famous Greeting – “Dr. Livingstone I Presume.”

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