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Art Under the your Library. Art Under the Stars A night for students, staff, and community members to enjoy art in the library. Gives students.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Under the your Library. Art Under the Stars A night for students, staff, and community members to enjoy art in the library. Gives students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Under the Stars @ your Library

2 Art Under the Stars A night for students, staff, and community members to enjoy art in the library. Gives students the chance to create, display, and sell their artwork. 30% of artwork profits will go back into the library for youth collection development.

3 Audience School & local community Students Parents & family members Teachers Administrators Board members Community members Local artists Art college employees

4 Rationale Each August American artists who have enriched our lives are recognized. The event is linked to an art class. Art students will learn to display their art and experience an art showing. Great way for students and the school to connect with community members at the public library.

5 Staffing Needs Library staff: set up and monitor event Art teachers: assist youth artists Board members : manage art purchases and refreshments Janitorial staff: assist with set up and clean up

6 Budget $0 Library staff (salaried) and volunteers $0Table-top display easels may be borrowed from the local schools $100+Local artist speaker (optional) $100.00Refreshments $5.00Paper for printing flyers and signs $105.00+ TOTAL

7 Timeline 3 months prior Librarians and art teachers discuss event and establish date. Date put on school/library calendar and website. Students begin to work on artwork. 2 months prior Publicity starts 1 week prior Purchase refreshments and supplies

8 Publicity Social networking sites Library/school website Local newspaper/radio Flyers in local establishments, art stores, community centers QR codes

9 Evaluation Attendance Brief questionnaire in guest book at event Compare financial earnings and expenditure New library registrations Increase in circulation of art related resources

10 Adaptations Themed art: link to book series, use a specific medium Collaborate with local art museum Recreate for adults Include art workshops with local instructors

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