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Cocker Spaniels By Ava Goosen/Gafford. Table of contents Introduction Pages 3 - 4 History on cockers Pages 4 - 5 Health Pages 5 - 7 Ability Pages 7 -

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Presentation on theme: "Cocker Spaniels By Ava Goosen/Gafford. Table of contents Introduction Pages 3 - 4 History on cockers Pages 4 - 5 Health Pages 5 - 7 Ability Pages 7 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cocker Spaniels By Ava Goosen/Gafford

2 Table of contents Introduction Pages 3 - 4 History on cockers Pages 4 - 5 Health Pages 5 - 7 Ability Pages 7 - 8 Diet Pages 8 – 9 Size Pages 9 - 10 Colors Pages 10 - 11 Kinds Pages 11 – 12

3 Introduction Did you know that Cocker Spaniels are one of the most popular dogs in America? Cocker Spaniels have a nick name witch is Cocker(s). Cockers were often know as hunting dogs but, now a days no one knows their breed as hunting dogs.

4 History on cockers It’s commonly known that cocker originated in Spain. In the 15 th century The Master Of Game introduced Cocker as “Another kind of hound that is used for hunting hawks!” He also said that “there are many countries that don't consider them as hunting dog’s.’ Also Obo was the person to discover the English cocker spaniel, his son Obo #2, was the person to discover the American cocker spaniel. And as I said earlier that they were hunting dogs but, now every body loves to cuddle them as pets.

5 The health of Cockers American Cockers have different health problems than other cocker spaniels such as the English Cocker.

6 Different Health problems American Cockers Cataracts Glaucoma Patellar luxation Allergies IMHA English Cockers Hip Dysphasia Allergies Liver disease Elbow dysphasia IMHA

7 Cautions of the health problems You want to be careful because, IHMA is a disease that gives you no notice, it will take your dogs life within two days. If you don’t take your dog to the vet it might die within in time.

8 The Ability of Cockers Cockers have many abilities some of them contain of agility, fetch, contests, and aiding. Like any other dog they can learn to do tricks also. Cockers also have a major in aiding, they can detect when your having a seizure, or they will bark when you fall in the pool. Cockers are strong, health, and loveable dogs, they are bound to help you when needed.

9 The diet of Cockers The diet of cockers is very small, especially for puppies. If the dog is an adult, then you would want to feed the dog a little food rather than a lot because, if you feed them to much than they will become obese. If they become obese then the dog will be so fat it won’t be able to move. Many times people feed their cocker to much food, and that’s not good. Also, if you want to give your dog a treat then you should feed the dog less food.

10 The size of cockers The first thing I want to tell you about the size of cockers is that males are bigger than females. Females usually 20-30 pounds and not very tall. Males are usually 30-40 pounds and a little taller than females. There really isn’t anything I want to tell you about the size other than the cockers are really small so they can dig a small whole and find their way out so be careful.

11 The colors of cockers There are many types of colors for cockers to be born in, many of them are popular such as,brown, black, white, red, golden. There is also combos of black/white, brown/white, red/white, these combos are usually white with another color for spots.

12 The different types of cockers There are many types of cockers but the main types are English and American. As I told you earlier in the history the discovers are Obo #1 and his son obo #2. The cockers also have different health problems and different caring tasks. So, it’s your choice which kind you want but make sure it’s the kind you want.

13 Glossary Male - boy Female - girl Obese - fat Adult - grown up Seizure – spasm attack Aiding – helping Detect – find Disease – type of sickness Consider – think about

14 Pics

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