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Goal 2.3 Design lessons which effectively differentiate instruction.

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2 Goal 2.3 Design lessons which effectively differentiate instruction.

3 O Objective(s): Students will read an assigned section of a book, complete a written assignment, make an object, and do a presentation based on their reading. O Instruction: Prior to the beginning of the unit, students will be asked to take an interest survey. The survey will ask them to number from one to four (with one being very interested and four being not at all interested) whose role in the Civil War they would like to know more about: African-Americans, women, children and family, or soldiers. Based on the results of this survey, student reading ability, and numbers, I will assign every student a section of a book. Ranging from easiest to hardest, the books are: “The Civil War” by Sadleback Publishing (entire graphic novel), “Hear the Wind Blow” by Mary Downing Hahn (chapters 1-17), “Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara (July 2, 1863), and “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell (chapters 7-9). On the first day of the unit, the students were given the Tic Tac Toe assignment sheet. Students will come into class and turn in one of the writing assignments from the first row and one of the object projects from the third row. The remainder of class time will be students doing their chosen presentations from the second row.

4 Assessment: The project serves as a graded summative assessment for their assigned reading.

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