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Competencia 16 Matematicas The teacher understands how children learn mathematical skills and uses knowledge to plan, organize, and implement instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Competencia 16 Matematicas The teacher understands how children learn mathematical skills and uses knowledge to plan, organize, and implement instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competencia 16 Matematicas The teacher understands how children learn mathematical skills and uses knowledge to plan, organize, and implement instruction and assess learning. Erwin Garcia

2 Principles of Mathematics Equity Curriculum Curriculum Teaching Teaching Learning Learning Assessment Assessment Technology Technology

3 Principles of Mathematics Equity: High expectations Equity: High expectations Curriculum: Coherent-aligned Curriculum: Coherent-aligned Teaching: Understanding Teaching: Understanding Learning: Building from previous knowledge. Learning: Building from previous knowledge. Assessment: Support learning Assessment: Support learning Technology: Enhances learning Technology: Enhances learning

4 Content Standards Number and operations: number sense, fractions, basic computation Algebra: Patterns Geometry: Shapes and spatial reasoning Measurement: Standard and Metric Data analysis and probability: collection and analysis and display of mathematics information

5 Process Standards Problem solving Developmentally appropriate Reasoning and proof CommunicationConnectionsRepresentations Linked to real life situations

6 TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Kinder> Number sense, concrete objects, one to one correspondence. First, Second> Addition, subtraction. Third-firth> Multiplication, division, fractions, decimal representations, geometry principles, and algebraic reasoning.

7 Cognitive Development and Mathematics Piaget Preoperational (2-7) Concrete Operational (2-11) Classification Seriation and ordering ConservationReversibility Conclusions based on reason rather than perception

8 Manipulatives

9 Mathematics and English Language Mathematics is not an universal language

10 Competency 017 “The teacher understands concepts related to numbers and number systems and demonstrates knowledge of patterns, relations, functions, and algebraic reasoning”.

11 Algorithms An algorithm is a set of rules for solving a math problem which, if done properly, will give a correct answer each time.

12 Competency 017

13 “The teacher understands concepts related to numbers and number systems and demonstrates knowledge of patterns, relations, functions, and algebraic reasoning”.

14 Competency 018 “The teacher understands concepts and principles of geometry and demonstrates knowledge of probability and statistics and their application”.

15 Competency 018 Point= Is a specific location, taking up no space, having no area, and frequently represented by a dot. It has no dimensions.

16 Competency 018 Line= Between any two points there is exactly one straight line. They have infinite length. Plane= flat surface without edges, two dimensional it has infinite length but no breadth nor depth.

17 Competency 018

18 Segment= is any portion of a line between two points on that line. Ray= Is like a segment, except it extends forever in one direction. Angle= When two rays share their end points.

19 Competency 018 90 degrees right angle Less than 90 degrees acute angle Less than 90 degrees acute angle Greater than 90 degrees obtuse

20 Competency 018 Polygons Lines of symmetry Lines of symmetry Diameter and radius Diameter and radius Perimeter Perimeter Area Area Volume Volume Cube Cube

21 Competency 018 Polygons Lines of symmetry Lines of symmetry Diameter and radius Diameter and radius Perimeter Perimeter Area Area Volume Volume Cube Cube

22 Competency 018 Triangles Triangles Isosceles = two equal sides Equilateral= All sides equal Scalene= All sides are unequal

23 Competency 018


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