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Laboratoire Charles Coulomb
Twistor Approach to String Compactifications, NS5-branes & Integrability Sergei Alexandrov Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier reviews: S.A. arXiv: S.A., J.Manschot., D.Persson., B.Pioline arXiv: S.A., S.Banerjee arXiv: arXiv:
Plan of the talk Compactified string theories and their moduli spaces: HM moduli space, its symmetries and quantum corrections Twistor description of Quaternion-Kähler spaces Instanton corrections to the HM moduli space NS5-branes & Integrability
10-dimensional spacetime
The problem Superstring theory extended objects in 10-dimensional spacetime low energy limit & compactification Effective field theory in M(4) Type II string theory compactification on a Calabi-Yau N =2 supergravity in 4d coupled to matter N =2 supersymmetry The goal: to find the complete non-perturbative effective action in 4d for type II string theory compactified on arbitrary CY
Motivation: • Non-perturbative structure of string theory
non-perturbative realization of S-duality and mirror symmetry • Preliminary step towards phenomenological models, applications to cosmology • BPS black holes • Relations to N =2 gauge theories, wall-crossing, topological strings… • Hidden integrability • Extremely rich mathematical structure
N =2 supergravity vector multiplets (gauge fields & scalars)
hypermultiplets (only scalars) supergravity multiplet (metric) given by holomorphic prepotential non-linear σ-model The low-energy action is determined by the geometry of the moduli space parameterized by scalars of vector and hypermultiplets: – special Kähler (given by ) is classically exact (no corrections in string coupling gs) known – quaternion-Kähler receives all types of gs-corrections unknown The goal: to find the non-perturbative geometry of
HM moduli space Coordinates on the moduli space ― fields in 4 uncompactified dimensions complex structure moduli periods of RR gauge potentials NS-axion (dual to the B-field) dilaton (string coupling ) In Type IIA: Classical metric on ― image of the c-map (determined by ) Classical symmetries: Heisenberg symmetry (shifts RR-fields and NS-axion) Symplectic invariance (mixes the basis of 3-cycles) Type IIA S-duality (inverts string coupling) form SL(2,R) group Type IIB Mirror symmetry
Quantum corrections + Classical HM metric - corrections - corrections
perturbative corrections non-perturbative perturbative + worldsheet instantons In the image of the c-map Captured by the prepotential Instantons – (Euclidean) world volumes wrapping non-trivial cycles of CY one-loop correction controlled by Antoniadis,Minasian,Theisen,Vanhove ’03 Robles-Llana,Saueressig,Vandoren ’06, S.A. ‘07
Instanton corrections
D-brane instantons Type IIA Type IIB × 3 D2 × 0 D(-1) 2 D1 4 D3 6 D5 NS5-brane instantons + S-duality S.A.,Pioline,Saueressig, Vandoren ’08 S.A. ‘09 S.A.,Banerjee ’14 Axionic couplings break continuous isometries At the end no continuous isometries remain Twistor approach
Twistor approach Holomorphicity
The idea: one should work at the level of the twistor space Quaternionic structure: Twistor space quaternion algebra of almost complex structures z carries holomorphic contact structure symmetries of can be lifted to holomorphic symmetries of is a Kähler manifold Holomorphicity The geometry is determined by contact transformations between sets of Darboux coordinates generated by holomorphic functions
Contact transformations and transition functions
Two ways to parametrize contact transformations transition functions gluing conditions contact Hamiltonians contact bracket gluing conditions integral equations for “twistor lines” It is sufficient to find holomorphic functions corresponding to quantum corrections metric on
D-instantons in Type IIA
Every D2 brane of charge defines a ray on along ― central charge The associated contact Hamiltonian & generalized DT invariants Equations for twistor lines coincide with equations of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz with an integrable S-matrix Test: Penrose transform
QK/HK correspondence the non-perturbative moduli space of 4d N =2 gauge theory compactified on S1 the twistor construction of D-instanton corrected is similar to ― quaternion-Kähler ― hyperkähler Gaiotto,Moore,Neitzke ’08 This is an example of a general construction: with a Killing vector & hyperholomorphic connection QK/HK correspondence Haydys ’08, S.A.,Persson,Pioline ’11, Hitchin ‘12 NS5-brane instantons to break the isometry along NS axion and the correspondence with Local c-map Rigid c-map Instanton corrections: BPS particles winding the circle D-instanton corrections to
Characteristic feature of type IIB formulation – SL(2,Z) symmetry
HM metric in Type IIB Characteristic feature of type IIB formulation – SL(2,Z) symmetry SL(2,R) symmetry known relations between type IIA and type IIB fields (mirror map) Classical theory: break SL(2,R) to a discrete subgroup SL(2,Z) generate corrections to the mirror map Quantum effects: pert. gs-corrections: instanton corrections: D(-1) D D D NS5 -corrections: w.s.inst. SL(2,Z) duality One needs to understand how S-duality is realized on twistor space and which constraints it imposes on the twistorial construction
S-duality in twistor space
S.A.,Banerjee ‘14 on fiber: Condition for to carry an isometric action of SL(2,Z) Transformation property of the contact bracket Non-linear holomorphic representation of S-duality on classical The problem: to find relevant for instanton corrections to the HM moduli space in Type IIB formulation contact transformation
Instanton corrections in Type IIB
Quantum corrections: closely related to (0,4) elliptic genus and mock modular forms S.A.,Manschot,Pioline ‘12 -corrections: w.s.inst. pert. gs-corrections: instanton corrections: D(-1) D D D NS5 brane charges: Poisson resummation of Type IIA Darboux coordinates in the sector with
A-model topological wave function in the real polarization
Fivebrane instantons The idea: to add all images of the D-instanton contributions under S-duality with a non-vanishing 5-brane charge The input: S-duality acts linearly on contact Hamiltonians NS5-brane charge The contact structure is invariant under full U-duality group One can evaluate the action on Darboux coordinates and write down the integral equations on twistor lines One can find explicitly the full quantum mirror map A-model topological wave function in the real polarization Relation to the topological string wave function
NS5-branes & Integrability
= ? How NS5-brane instantons look like in type IIA? Inclusion of NS5-branes quantum deformation NS-axion corresponds to the central element in the Hiesenberg algebra – non-abelian Fourier expansion (“quantum torus”) Universal hypermultiplet NS5-brane charge quantization parameter (S.A. ’12) Holom. function generating NS5-brane instantons Baker-Akhiezer function of Toda hierarchy One-fermion wave function Wall-crossing: there is a natural extension involving quantum dilog Conjecture In Type IIA formulation the NS5-brane instantons are encoded by
Conclusions Main results
Twistor description of instanton corrections to the metric on the HM moduli space Explicit realization of S-duality in the twistor space Quantum mirror map Relations to integrable structures Some open issues Manifestly S-duality invariant description of D3-instantons? NS5-brane instantons in the Type IIA picture? Can the integrable structure of D-instantons in Type IIA be extended to include NS5-brane corrections? (quantum dilog?) Resolution of one-loop singularity Resummation of divergent series over brane charges
D3-instantons I ― In the sector with fixed consider the formal sum
modular form of weight (-1,0) ― modular form entering (0,4) elliptic genus weight mult. system Maldacena,Strominger, Witten ‘97 indefinite theta series of weight ― S-duality transformation (holomorphic) formal Poisson resummation
Type IIA construction is
D3-instantons II The above calculation is very formal since the sum over charges is divergent! Darboux coordinates in the large volume limit: shadow usually appears as a non-holomorphic completion of a holomorphic Mock modular form modular form of weight (-1,0) period integral How to justify such a modification? The correction is given by holomorphic in twistor space! Effect of a holomorphic contact transformation Type IIA construction is consistent with S-duality
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