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Sing a psalm of joy ! Shout in cele bration. Let the tambou rine and the trumpet bring praises to our King for his great sal vation. [Sing to the Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "Sing a psalm of joy ! Shout in cele bration. Let the tambou rine and the trumpet bring praises to our King for his great sal vation. [Sing to the Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sing a psalm of joy ! Shout in cele bration. Let the tambou rine and the trumpet bring praises to our King for his great sal vation. [Sing to the Lord 81b]

2 2. Sound the festal horn, your thanks giving voicing. Praise the L ORD your God, as he did command when from Egypt’s land you came forth re joicing.

3 3. “ When in need you cried, I was near and saved you. From the cloud I spoke, answered your request – Meri bah the test – I did not for sake you.

4 4. “ O my people, hear ; when I call you, listen. Choose no foreign god – listen to my plea. Have no god but me ; come and be for given.

5 5. “ I, the L ORD your God, brought you out of Egypt. I re moved your yoke, all your needs supplied. Open your mouth wide : surely I will fill it.

6 6. “ Oh, that Isra el would but hear my pleading ! Oh, that they would turn, walk up on my path ; I would pour my wrath on their foes un heeding.

7 7. “ With the finest wheat I, your L ORD, would feed you. Honey from the rock I would gladly give that you all might live. Hear me, O my people.” Sing to the Lord 81b Reformed Church of __________ CCLI License # _____ Projection permitted with CCLI licence (#468902) Text: Marie J. Post, 1984, Psalter Hymnal, 1987 Tune: Genevan Psalter, 1562; harm. Dale Grotenhuis, 1985 Text and harmonisation © Faith Alive Christian Resources, 1987

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