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Land Product Validation subgroup activity in support of LAI inter-comparison.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Product Validation subgroup activity in support of LAI inter-comparison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Product Validation subgroup activity in support of LAI inter-comparison

2 overview Compile critical bibliography MODIS LAI-product distribution Continued communication Maintain participating site catalog

3 compile critical bibliography Web based Limited to the work directly related to validation of satellite derived LAI products Initial list started here

4 compile critical bibliography Topic: biophysical Subtopic, lai AuthorMain, AuthorOthers Title, Journal, Source (person or place submitting entry), Keywords Date (year), Volume, Number, Page

5 MODIS Land product distribution 200km by 200km subsets over all EOS Land Validation Core Sites ( 11km by 11km subsets over select FLUXNET sites Additional subsets possible (produced and ftp-transferred) Global products available through EDG (

6 continued communication One of the results of this meeting should be a method for continued interaction Protocol documentation as near-term objective Joint proposals / financial support could help future international quantitative efforts

7 continued communication, cont. Interaction with IGOS “TCO” theme Input from TCO meeting (Ojima, Plummer, et al.) –Saturation at LAI > 6 is an issue –Seasonality/time-series is critical –LAI is used a model constraint, not imput –Uncertainty estimates could be incorporated into modeling

8 site catalog current planned


10 CEOS Land Product Validation Core Sites Potential joint project with CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) being led by the LPV Easy-access web-based access to land products from CEOS members – could include LAI from multiple sensors.

11 SATELLITE DATA from various CEOS Member sensors, subsetted over the site and WWW accessible. Ancillary/GIS Layers such as… - elevation - land cover - reference layer (with political boundaries, airports, water bodies) Scientific Networks such as AERONET and FLUXNET data ILTERs Field and airborne data WWW accessible Graphic courtesy of the BigFoot program Data Compilation for Land Validation Core Sites

12 EOS (NASA) VALERI (CNES) VALERI (EC?) VALERI (China?) Distribution of Sites ( both EOS and VALERI)

13 EOS Core Sites infrastructure as example EOS Core Site web page provides link to on-line ftp directories EDC DAAC: MODIS, ETM+, ASTER SeaWiFS subsets at GSFC Ancillary data at Umd … Field data “locally” maintained ORNL Mercury system: Archive and access of field data

14 WGCV/WGISS conceptual interaction WGISS: provide seamless internet-based access to the multiple data sets WGCV: site locations and data set requirements, negotiate subsetting and on-line storage of core site data some correlative analysis on these data, and interpretation of possible discrepancies between products

15 WGCV/WGISS Example WGISS: Provides single file with MODIS/MERIS surface reflectance as multi-layer product MODIS Land Validation Team (MLVT) Subset and place on-line MODIS surface reflectance for Core Sites MERIS and AATSR Validation Team (MAVT) Subset and place on-line MERIS surface reflectance for Core Sites

16 Action Items/Wrap-up Presenters to provide electronic copy and any related bibliography to Morisette Morisette to post presentations on LAI page Baret to prepare summary of a.m. discussion, and forward to Morisette Privette, Morisette, Weiss and Baret to prepare Earth Observer article and ESA EO 1/4ly. Gower to start outline for LAI validation guideline article (author=“LPV” contributing authors listed in table alphabetically) Deadline: before CEOS plenary, November 2001 Morisette to keep group informed on the outcome of CEOS Land Validation Core Sites Myneni/BU to provide “user support” for MODIS LAI product-subset tool, et al. VALERI, BigFoot, CCRS to provide access to high-res LAI maps or field data Gower, Privette, Morisette to revisit global representation–fill gaps Privette to write GOFC or TCO requesting delegate on LPV (Baret) Next meeting or steps

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