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Bridging the Academic World to the World of Work: Scenario Development to fit into Lam Dong’s REDD+ Action Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Academic World to the World of Work: Scenario Development to fit into Lam Dong’s REDD+ Action Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Academic World to the World of Work: Scenario Development to fit into Lam Dong’s REDD+ Action Plan

2  Land use Planning Case Study  LELUP Module  SA - PRAP Process  Introduction  PRAP objectives  Data collection (Act on the stage)  Working in the room  SA-PRAP final stage and incorporate (Act on the stage)  Conclusion




6  Leverage funding from MB-REDD projects



9 Emission Factors: Emissions/removals of greenhouse gases per unit of activity data Example:  Forest – 500 tCO 2 /ha  Cassava – 5 tCO 2 /ha  Emission Factor = 495 tCO 2 /ha Measured in tCO 2 e/ha Carbon or Emission: Net Emissions: 495 tCO 2 /ha


11  Consultant goes ask many provincial officers:  DONRE  STATISTIC OFFICE  CONSULTING COMPANY  DARD  PPC

12 Reporting Units Districts Forest Use Forest Ownership Land Cover FPDP Data FCCA DATA Tabular REDD+ Plan Geo-Spatial Analytics Accounting Tool SCENARIO MAPS Priority Location Poverty Biodiversity

13  Present the results – 3 scenarios and trade off  Ask for comments and decision

14  Target: -27%  Scenario 1: -18%  Scenario 2: -46%  Scenario 3: -33%

15 2020 GHG emission s4

16 Happy Ending!


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