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Preventing Unintentional Childhood Drowning The Case for a Four-Sided Pool Fencing By-law Photo Courtesy of D&D Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Unintentional Childhood Drowning The Case for a Four-Sided Pool Fencing By-law Photo Courtesy of D&D Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Unintentional Childhood Drowning The Case for a Four-Sided Pool Fencing By-law Photo Courtesy of D&D Technologies

2 Presentation Outline Key Facts: Drowning Injury and Death Key Facts: Drowning Injury and Death The Problem: Drowning in Home Pools The Problem: Drowning in Home Pools The Solution: Four-Sided Pool Fencing The Solution: Four-Sided Pool Fencing The Current Situation: Our Pool Fencing By-law The Current Situation: Our Pool Fencing By-law Call to Action Call to Action

3 Key Facts: Drowning Injury and Death Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related death for Canadian children 1 Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related death for Canadian children 1 A young child can drown quickly and silently A young child can drown quickly and silently

4 Key Facts: Drowning Injury and Death According to Safe Kids Canada’s National Report, an estimated 58 children age 14 and under drown every year in Canada, while another 140 are hospitalized for near- drowning According to Safe Kids Canada’s National Report, an estimated 58 children age 14 and under drown every year in Canada, while another 140 are hospitalized for near- drowning This is equal to about two elementary school classrooms of children dying each year This is equal to about two elementary school classrooms of children dying each year

5 Key Facts: Drowning Injury and Death Near-drowning injuries are often severe and can result in serious long-term effects, such as brain injury, due to a period of time without breathing 2 Near-drowning injuries are often severe and can result in serious long-term effects, such as brain injury, due to a period of time without breathing 2 Research shows that drowning-related injuries are more likely to result in death than other injury types Research shows that drowning-related injuries are more likely to result in death than other injury types

6 The Problem: Drowning in Home Pools Most unintentional drowning to children under age five occur when the child is walking or playing near water, not swimming or intending to swim 3 Most unintentional drowning to children under age five occur when the child is walking or playing near water, not swimming or intending to swim 3 Sources: Canadian Institute for Health Information; Statistics Canada [Deaths for 2003 were estimated from trends for the years 1994-2002]

7 The Problem: Drowning in Home Pools

8 Research shows that unintentional childhood drowning can be prevented…

9 …Together we can save lives!

10 The Solution: Four-Sided or Isolation Pool Fencing

11 Researchers estimate that proper fencing could prevent 7 out of 10 drowning incidents in backyard pools for children under age 5 4

12 The Solution: Four-Sided Pool Fencing Key Features of Proper Pool Fencing: Completely encloses the swimming pool area Completely encloses the swimming pool area Minimum height of 1.2m (4 ft) Minimum height of 1.2m (4 ft) Covers all pools (in-ground, above-ground, inflatable and spa pools) Covers all pools (in-ground, above-ground, inflatable and spa pools) Entry into the pool area is controlled by a self-closing and self-latching gate Entry into the pool area is controlled by a self-closing and self-latching gate Fencing designed to inhibit climbing Fencing designed to inhibit climbing

13 The Solution: Four-Sided Pool Fencing Supporters of Four-Sided Pool Fencing Include: The Canadian Red Cross The Canadian Red Cross LifeSaving Society LifeSaving Society Safe Kids Canada Safe Kids Canada Think First Foundation Think First Foundation Safe Communities Canada Safe Communities Canada

14 Current Situation: Our Pool Fencing By-law Insert details of your current pool fencing by-law or lack thereof Insert details of your current pool fencing by-law or lack thereof

15 Call to Action Insert details of what needs to be changed in your current pool fencing by- law or details of a new by-law Insert details of what needs to be changed in your current pool fencing by- law or details of a new by-law

16 Call to Action Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related death to Canadian children 5 Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related death to Canadian children 5 Municipal governments are well positioned to prevent these deaths and injuries through passive measures such as enacting four-sided pool fencing by-laws Municipal governments are well positioned to prevent these deaths and injuries through passive measures such as enacting four-sided pool fencing by-laws Four-sided pool fencing is a proven strategy to prevent children under age five from unintentional drowning Four-sided pool fencing is a proven strategy to prevent children under age five from unintentional drowning A 2007 Decima survey commissioned by Safe Kids Canada shows that a resounding 81 per cent of Canadian parents support mandatory four-sided pool fencing laws 6 A 2007 Decima survey commissioned by Safe Kids Canada shows that a resounding 81 per cent of Canadian parents support mandatory four-sided pool fencing laws 6

17 Thank You Questions? Questions?

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