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Precision Agriculture an Overview. Precision Agriculture? Human need Environment –Hypoxia –$750,000,000 (excess N flowing down the Mississippi river/yr)

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Agriculture an Overview. Precision Agriculture? Human need Environment –Hypoxia –$750,000,000 (excess N flowing down the Mississippi river/yr)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Agriculture an Overview

2 Precision Agriculture? Human need Environment –Hypoxia –$750,000,000 (excess N flowing down the Mississippi river/yr) Developed vs Developing Countries High vs Low yielding environments

3 Many research & development practices are not designed to foster site-specific management Continued success in wheat germplasm and technology dissemination worldwide depends on the free and uninhibited flow of genetic materials and information. Restrictions imposed on such movement due to intellectual property protection could have serious consequences on the ability of developing countries to sustain wheat productivity growth. …. further gains would have to come from specifically targeting breeding efforts to the unique characteristics of marginal environments

4 What is Precision Agriculture? Treating small areas of a field as separate management units for the purpose of optimizing crop production based on in-field variability

5 Site Specific Management The application of an input to a specific area based on the evaluation of variability of the need for that input. Richardson, 1996. Recognition of site-specific differences within fields and tailoring management accordingly, instead of managing an entire field based on some hypothetical average. Emmert, 1995.

6 Definitions of Precision Agriculture Using information to better manage farms at the field level or finer resolution. Optimizing inputs to produce the largest net income. Combine yield monitors, GPS, Grid Soil Sampling.

7 What is Precision Farming? Management by the Field Management by the foot Global Positioning Systems Yield Monitors Sensor Based Weed Control Grid Sampling Variable Rate Fertilizer Application

8 Oklahoma State University’s Definition of Precision Agriculture Variable rate application of fertilizers, pesticides or other materials based on the sensed needs of the crop within the following constraints: –Available Technology –Agronomic –Economic

9 Large Scale (Macro) Variability Within a Field

10 Intermediate Scale Variability Within a Field IKONI Imagery 4 m Resolution

11 Small Scale (Micro) Variability Within a Field

12 Variability in Weed Populations

13 Variability in Grain Yield

14 Map Based - Precision Farming Map Based - Precision Farming

15 On-the- Go Sensing of Plant Needs and Variable Rate Treatment

16 Map Based vs. Real Time Map Based: 1.Treat next season’s crop 2.Historic information 2. Slowly changing variables e.g. pH 3. Coarse resolution 4. Can directly measure variables e.g. pH Transition: Aerial/Satellite Imagery 1.Sense and treat current crop 2.Near real-time 3.Variables that change rapidly, e.g. N 4.Resolution limited by ability to accurately and precisely locate position Real-Time: 1.Sense and treat current crop 2.Real-Time, sense and treat on-the-go 3.Variables that change rapidly, e.g. N 4.High resolution, 1 m 5.Indirect measurement

17 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1991

18 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1993 1992 First discussion between the Departments of Plant and Soil Sciences and Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering concerning the possibility of sensing biomass in wheat and bermudagrass. Biomass was to be used as an indicator of nutrient need (based on removal).

19 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1994

20 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1995

21 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1996

22 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 1998 1997

23 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 2000 1999 TEAM-VRT entered into discussions with John Mayfield, Patchen, Inc., concerning the potential commercialization of a sensor-based N fertilizer applicator for cereal crops. 2001

24 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 2002 TreatmentPre- Trt. N, lb/ac Trt. N, lb/ac Total N, lb/ac Yield, lb/ac Net Rtn, $/ac N-Rich Strip 940 44.6110 Var. Rate56237939.8100 Fixed Rate A 56359137.391 Fixed Rate B 58248235.485 Field Rate73209234.682 SED3.19.5 Treated March 20 to April 10, 2002 Net Revenue = grain yield * $3.00 / bu – N Fertilizer * $0.25 / lb SED = Standard Error of the Difference

25 History Oklahoma State University Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen Fertilizer Application 2003

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