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Introduction to the Renaissance. The Renaissance  The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of classical antiquity. (this means mostly of Greece and Rome.)  The.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Renaissance. The Renaissance  The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of classical antiquity. (this means mostly of Greece and Rome.)  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Renaissance

2 The Renaissance  The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of classical antiquity. (this means mostly of Greece and Rome.)  The Renaissance lasted from ca. 1350- 1550  The Renaissance began in Italy and gradually spread to the rest of Europe

3 Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance  Marked b an Urban Society:  Powerful city-states: Florence, Venice, Milan  Centers of politics, economics and social life  An Age of Recovery  Recovery from the Black Death, Political disorder, Economic Recession  Emphasis on Individual ability  High regard for human worth and the development of a new social idea – the well-rounded person  Ex. Leonardo da Vinci

4 Renaissance man:  a man who has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests

5 Humanism  focusing on human concerns and disregarding religious matters.

6 Art and architecture  During the Renaissance, there was an outburst of creativity that stressed order, harmony and balance

7  “The Last Supper” by Leonardo DiVinci

8 Middle Ages Art  Most of the art was created for the Catholic Church  Most subjects were of the holy family and saints  Human faces in paintings were very flat, unrealistic, and looked alike  Human and animal body parts were disproportionate  Had not yet learned perspective


10 Characteristics of Renaissance art  Realism – subjects of art were familiar and life like  Glorification of the Human Body  Non-religious themes  Appreciation of beauty for beauty’s sake

11 Perspective  Renaissance art utilized perspective  This means that they made distant objects smaller than those in the foreground to create an illusion of depth on a flat canvas  This adds an element of three- dimensionality

12  “The School of Athens” -- Rafael

13 Stations  You will be completing stations on the Renaissance  Working with a partner, you will rotate between five different stations.  Because some stations are longer than others, you will rotate when you are finished.  You will have 40 minutes to complete the stations, which is about 8 minutes per station.  Voices should be at a 10 inch level. Students should only be talking with their partner  To rotate stations you will WALK, SILENTLY, with your HANDS and FEET to YOURSELF

14 Crash Course World History 

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