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T EAM E IGHT Secure Network Interface Card (SNIC) The Next Generation of NICs Jeremy Andrus Jeremy Heersink Justin Jansen Neil Kuyvenhoven.

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Presentation on theme: "T EAM E IGHT Secure Network Interface Card (SNIC) The Next Generation of NICs Jeremy Andrus Jeremy Heersink Justin Jansen Neil Kuyvenhoven."— Presentation transcript:

1 T EAM E IGHT Secure Network Interface Card (SNIC) The Next Generation of NICs Jeremy Andrus Jeremy Heersink Justin Jansen Neil Kuyvenhoven

2 I NTRODUCTION Project Review Current Status Challenges Future Plans AcknowledgmentsConclusion

3 P ROJECT R EVIEW Purpose is to design a Network Card with an integrated firewall Common Ethernet connection Dedicated system for secure and flexible firewall SNIC will result in only one piece of hardware + = SNIC

4 B LOCK D IAGRAM Internet Desktop Computer PCI Bus SNIC Network Firewall

5 C URRENT S TATUS All components on order or on hand Processor Processor Flash Memory Flash Memory SDRAM SDRAM Network Chips Network Chips Supporting Chips Supporting Chips Supporting Resistors and Capacitors Supporting Resistors and Capacitors

6 C URRENT S TATUS All components on order or on hand Development kit has been tested with our custom compiled operating system. Schematic completed and externally reviewed Marketing glossy completed by Solidus Design Company to fabricate board chosen Layout is in progress


8 C HALLENGES Have processor send filtered network data to the host computer through PCI bus Getting populated board back in time to debug and make a possible second revision Programming Flash for first time

9 F UTURE P LANS Finish Layout by today! Get board manufactured and populated Modify the software to boot the OS on our system. Fully test and debug our system with a possible second revision. Work on a way to display our design for Design Night. Documentation

10 A CKNOWLEDGMENTS Professor VanderLeest Mr. Mark Michmerhuizen Mr. Jack Doornbos PCBExpress Mr. Chuck Spoelhof Johnson Controls, Inc. Solidus Design


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