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Practise-a-job Joakim, Viktor, Sara C, Simon, Sara H, Alexandra D and Mette.

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Presentation on theme: "Practise-a-job Joakim, Viktor, Sara C, Simon, Sara H, Alexandra D and Mette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practise-a-job Joakim, Viktor, Sara C, Simon, Sara H, Alexandra D and Mette

2 Jobs A little of everything at a gym Warehouseman at the Swedish supermarket Willy’s ------------------------------> School librarian and IT-teacher Nurse at an old people’s home Kindergarten worker (age 4-6) Kindergarten worker (age 3-5) Restaurant worker

3 Different or interesting answers Men thought that women couldn’t do the job as good if they would have to lift heavy objects A woman thought that if a man started working on a kindergarten, parents would think he maybe was sexually harassing the children because there is so much in the newspapers about stuff like that Some women thought that if there were more men that did their job they would be paid better

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