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The Name Above Every Name Acts 4:1-12. 1. What three groups of people came upon the apostles? Acts 4:1 And as they spoke unto the people, the priests,

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1 The Name Above Every Name Acts 4:1-12


3 1. What three groups of people came upon the apostles? Acts 4:1 And as they spoke unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them

4 Temple Captain The "captain of the temple" mentioned in Acts 4:1 and 5:24 was not a military officer, but superintendent of the guard of priests and Levites who kept watch in the temple by night.Acts 4:1 5:24

5 Salvation Captain The Captain of our salvation is a name given to our Lord (Hebrews 2:10), because he is the author and source of our salvation, the head of his people, whom he is conducting to glory.Hebrews 2:10

6 Sanhedrin Supreme Judicial and Administrative Council of the Jews Composed of seventy men Chief priests and elders of the people Mark 15:1Matthew 26:57-59


8 2. What two spiritual gifts grieved the Sanhedrin Council? Acts 4:2 Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead.

9 Sadducees Do not believe in resurrection of the dead. They came out to John the Baptist on the banks of the Jordan, and he said to them, "O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" Jesus Christ called them "hypocrites" and "a wicked and adulterous generation."

10 3. What did the Sanhedrin do to the Apostles? Acts 4:3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide. Put in prison until the next day.

11 4. Approximately how many men believed in Jesus Christ? Acts 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

12 Believers It is probable that most of the converts of Pentecost and of this occasion were men. Oriental women were not likely to attend in large numbers on such public occasions. READ 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

13 5. Were the religious leaders biological related? [yes] [no] Acts 4:5-6 55 And it came to pass on the morrow, that their rulers, and elders, and scribes, 66 And Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.

14 6. What was the first question they asked the Apostles? Acts 4:7 And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, by what power, or by what name, have you done this?

15 By what power or... name have ye done this thus admitting the reality of the miracle, which afterwards they confess themselves unable to deny (Acts 4:16).Acts 4:16

16 7. What was Apostle Peter filled with before he spoke? Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, You rulers of the people, and elders of Israel …

17 Filled with Holy Ghost The third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son. Emphasizes God’s personality and character (the \\Holy\\ Spirit). Emphasizes God’s work and power (the Spirit of \\Truth\\).

18 Matthew 10:33 Jesus said, “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

19 8. What charges were the Apostles being examined for? Acts 4:9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole…

20 Observe Peter's point, that they are prisoners on trial for a good deed.

21 9. Who was given credit for healing of the lame man? Acts 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him does this man stand here before you whole.

22 Guilty and Innocent It was the power of that One whom that very court had condemned which had worked the miracle. Peter becomes the accuser. They, his accusers, are guilty of crucifying the Messiah. But God raised him from the dead.

23 10. What object used as a metaphor to represent Jesus? Acts 4:10 This is the stone which was set at naught (rejected) of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

24 Corner Stone or Rock Stones were commonly used for buildings, also as memorials of important events Joshua 24:26,27; 1 Samuel 7:12, etc.). They were used figuratively of believers (1 Peter 2:4,5), and of the Messiah (Psalms 118:22; Isaiah 28:16; etc.). In Daniel 2:45 it refers also to the Messiah. He is described as "cut out of the mountain." Joshua 24:26,271 Samuel 7:121 Peter 2:4,5Psalms 118:22Isaiah 28:16 Daniel 2:45


26 11. What can people receive in the name of Jesus? Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

27 Peter and John before SanhedrinPeter and John before Sanhedrin Musical Acts 4 Before the SanhedrinActs 4 Before the Sanhedrin

28 Review 1. What three groups of people came upon the apostles? 2. What two spiritual gifts grieved the Sanhedrin Council? 3. What did the Sanhedrin do to the Apostles?

29 Review 4. Approximately how many men believed in Jesus Christ, including some members of the Sanhedrin? 5. Were the religious leaders biological related? 6. What was the first question they asked the Apostles?

30 Review 7. What was Apostle Peter filled with before he spoke? 8. What charges were the Apostles being examined for? 9. Who was given credit for healing of the lame man?

31 Review 10. What object used as a metaphor to represent Jesus? 11. What can people receive in the name of Jesus?

32 What is the Good News in this Lesson ?

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