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United States Suicide Statistics In 2004, one person every 16.2 minutes killed themselves. –O–One old person every 1 hour and 41.4 minutes killed themselves.

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3 United States Suicide Statistics In 2004, one person every 16.2 minutes killed themselves. –O–One old person every 1 hour and 41.4 minutes killed themselves. –O–One young person every 2 hours and 2.1 minutes killed themselves. –1–11 th ranking cause of death in the U.S. Homicide ranks 15 th –I–It is the 3 rd ranking cause of death for young people.

4 Suicide in the Bible Saul Saul’s Armor-bearer Ahithophel Zimri Judas Iscariot Philippian Jailer (attempted)

5 Suicide is a Sin God hates murder. –Genesis 9:6; Galatians 5:21 Suicide is self-murder. –Romans 13:9-10 Suicide is often an act of retaliation. –Romans 12:17-21

6 Causes of Suicide Hopelessness – Depression Substance Abuse Problems in the Home –Violence or abuse; Divorce; Death Financial Problems Isolation from Family or Friends Rejection by a Boyfriend or Girlfriend A Serious Illness/Disease

7 Misconceptions About Suicide Physical Death Does Not “End It All” –Luke 16:22-25 Not Heroic –Romans 5:6-8; I John 3:16 Not a Highway to Heaven –Luke 16:27-28

8 Contributing Factors of Suicide Materialism –Luke 12:15 “It’s my body, it’s my life!” –I Cor. 6:19-20; Heb. 2:9 Disregard for Human Life –Genesis 1:26; Psa. 139:14

9 Suicide Influenced by False Doctrine Theory of Evolution –Genesis 1-3; Psalm 14:1 “Once Saved, Always Saved” –Acts 8:22; I John 1:9 Hell Does not Exist –Mark 9:43-48

10 Suicide : Wrong Answer to Life’s Problems Life has purpose and meaning. –E–Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matt. 6:33 Problems have a purpose in life. –J–Jam. 1:2-3; 5:11; Job 1:21; 13:15 –2–2 Cor. 11:23-27; Phil. 1:20-21 There is a place of refuge. –P–Psalm 9:9-10; 46:1-3; 57:1; 62:1-8

11 You are very valuable to God. –G–Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8:5-6 –E–Eccl. 12:7; Matt. 16:26 –J–John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9 God gives freedom from guilt. –H–Heb. 9:28; Rom. 5:20-21; I John 1:7 There is something far better. –P–Phil. 1:23; 3:20; Romans 8:18

12 “Do Yourself No Harm” Acts 16:28 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” –A–Acts 16:30-34 Practicing righteousness brings peace –I–Isaiah 57:21; Colossians 3:15 Christians handle problems differently –I–I Cor. 10:13; I Pet. 5:7; Gal. 6:2 Life’s problems are temporary at best –2–2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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