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Sophocles The Greatest of Greek Playwrights 496 – 406 BC ? Wrote 120 tragedies Festival of Dionysus Moral lesson Introduced painted sets “Theban Tragedies”

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Presentation on theme: "Sophocles The Greatest of Greek Playwrights 496 – 406 BC ? Wrote 120 tragedies Festival of Dionysus Moral lesson Introduced painted sets “Theban Tragedies”"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sophocles The Greatest of Greek Playwrights

3 496 – 406 BC ? Wrote 120 tragedies Festival of Dionysus Moral lesson Introduced painted sets “Theban Tragedies” 40 years King Oedipus of Thebes Started with Antigone

4 The Greeks…

5 Characteristics of the CHORUS 15 men Sang lyric poetry Performing was regarded as a civic duty Wore robes and masks

6 Function of the CHORUS Often the voice of reason in the play Reflected upon what happened Asked or answered questions Advised central characters Separated scenes of action

7 The Greeks… Were notable for clarity of thought Symmetrical, logical, balanced = UNITY Purpose of drama was to entertain, educate and raise questions Ambiguous: what is right? Wrong?

8 Terms for Greek Theatre Antistrophe Strophe Choragos Ode Orchestra Parados Paean Prologue Skene Theatron Thespian Tragedy (see Aristotle)


10 FORM is IMPORTANT There must be complete UNITY: Time Place Action

11 Aristotle: THE POETICS The function of tragedy is to arouse pity and fear in the audience so that we may be purged, or cleansed, of these unsettling emotions - Catharsis Tragic Hero

12 Why read TRAGEDY? Strength of character Perseverance Courage Inspiration The dignity of the human spirit

13 Oedipus Rex




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