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1 Assessment seminar 2011 ECU Presentation. 2 Seminar objectives That teachers: 1.understand the Council-required features of a course unit outline 2.understand.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Assessment seminar 2011 ECU Presentation. 2 Seminar objectives That teachers: 1.understand the Council-required features of a course unit outline 2.understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Assessment seminar 2011 ECU Presentation

2 2 Seminar objectives That teachers: 1.understand the Council-required features of a course unit outline 2.understand the syllabus requirements for the set of assessment tasks used in a unit (or pair of units) 3.understand how to use marks when assessing student achievement on a task 4.are aware of and have the ability to access the Council’s range of support materials.

3 3 The assessment, marking and grading process

4 4

5 5 Establish content to be taught the current syllabus is on the course page on the Council website a sample course outline or a teaching program is available on the Council’s extranet

6 6 Sample course outline Physical Education Studies Stage 2 Sample Unit Outline

7 7

8 8 Establish a set of assessment tasks meet the assessment requirements from the syllabus summarised as an assessment outline (showing tasks, assessment type, weightings, timing, coverage of content)

9 9 Physical Education Studies Stage 2 Sample Assessment Outline

10 10

11 11 Develop the assessment tasks The assessment tasks in the set can be: developed by you from colleagues samples from the Council extranet from your professional association or system/sector The set of assessment tasks must meet the assessment requirements (so that comparability is achieved)

12 12 Develop the marking keys performance criteria each with a number of categories developed with each assessment task modified

13 13

14 14 Marking assessment tasks use numerical marks the marking key may need to be refined as unexpected responses occur share the marking key Sample written marking key Sample practical marking key

15 15

16 16 Record marks, weight and collate enter the marks for each task in your marks book the task title and weightings in your marks book must match the information in your assessment outline

17 17 written exam Prac exam Raw mark for the assessment task based on the marking key Insert a formula (or use a calculator) to calculate the weighted mark (using weightings in the assessment outline) Combine the weighted mark for each task

18 18 Teaching program Developmental continuum (DC) Unit Syllabus Defines the section of the DC that the unit covers UnitAssessment Outline Outlines what will be assessed and when and how a teacher will gather evidence in relation to the assessment types Task 1 Task2 3 4 Marking key 1 Marking key 2 Marking key 3 Marking key 4 Marks book Contains the results ofall assessments 100 80 60 40 20 0 A C D E B The relationship between the elements

19 19

20 20 Assign a grade for the course unit/s based on your judgement of the standard of work across all assessment tasks form a ranked list use the grade descriptions and student work samples to determine grade cut-offsgrade descriptions

21 21 Clarissa84A Aisha77Asgm partner school Alinta77A Cody77A Liam74B Emma74Bsgm partner school Yves73B Alison73B Lauren71Bsgm partner school Narelle71Bsgm partner school Harry70B Erin69B Neville67B Lena67B Eliza67B Jemma62Bsgm partner school Lynne59C Helen49C Eleni45C Erik45C Elise32D Neil12U Students are sorted into descending numerical order Grade cut-offs need to be determined Students from the partner school are included

22 22 What does the school need to report to the Council? Schools are required to submit a grade (A to E) for each course unit for each student. Each Year 12 student requires a school mark (from 0 to 100) for each Stage 2 or Stage 3 course unit.

23 23 The assessment, marking and grading process

24 24 What information about assessment should students have received by now? the school’s senior secondary assessment policy the syllabus a course outline (or teaching program) the assessment outline/s access to the grade descriptions for the relevant stage

25 25 What happens when assessment issues arise? Answers to assessment issues are: in the WACE Manual 2011, or in your school’s senior secondary assessment policy If you need clarification then email

26 26 WACE examinations The structure of senior secondary education in WA has historically featured: school-based assessment and external exams WACE exams are: conducted for every course separate for Stage 2 and Stage 3 (no Stage 1 exams) compulsory for Year 12 students taking a pair of units at Stage 2 or 3 (unless the student is exempt)

27 27 Main function of the Standards Guide To provide information about: the written examination questions, marks and marking keys selected candidate responses and marker annotations question statistics examiner comments

28 28 How are WACE exam marks used for comparability? Both the examination marks and the school marks are brought onto a common scale and students get half of each. The process is explained: in the WACE Manual 2011 on the Council website at the course specific assessment seminars

29 29 The Council moderation processes for 2011 course-specific assessment seminars consensus moderation meetings school moderation program small group moderation (if required) statistical moderation

30 30 What is small group moderation? protects the interests of students in small groups compulsory for schools where a course/stage has small enrolments of WACE examination candidates

31 31 Council support for teachers assessment support materials on the Council extranet information in the WACE Manual 2011 and the WACE Circular each term (and more regularly in the eCircular) email any questions to contact us by phone or email Dino Manalis – Moderation and Standards phone: 9273 6356 Kris Stafford – Curriculum and Assessment phone: 9273 6731

32 32 Points of clarification

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