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Bell Ringer 12.4 1.What impact does CO2 have on the environment?(List at least one positive and one negative) 2. What causes global warming? 3. What causes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 12.4 1.What impact does CO2 have on the environment?(List at least one positive and one negative) 2. What causes global warming? 3. What causes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 12.4 1.What impact does CO2 have on the environment?(List at least one positive and one negative) 2. What causes global warming? 3. What causes global cooling? 4. What would happen to the nitrogen cycle without decomposers?

2 Populations

3 Populations are dynamic (always changing) Change in size and composition Birth rate Death rate Migration

4 Growth of a population is affected by migration Immigration – into an area Emigration – exiting an area

5 How is the size of a population measured? Census  count of ALL organisms in a population This is not always easy to do, especially if the organisms are microscopic or move too quickly to count.

6 1.Quadrant method  divides area into grids, counts the number in a grid, multiply by the number of grids in area * good for organisms that move very little or not at all. Sampling  estimating population size using samples

7 2. Mark-recapture  captures a sample, marks the organisms caught, later captures another sample, uses the number of previously marked to estimate population size. * Good for organisms that move around a lot

8 Behaviors Behaviors that occur within a population Usually referred to as social behaviors and involve some form of communication. Communication among members of the same species can be by…

9 1.Sound 2.Scent (uses chemicals called pheromones) 3.Dances (for direction or courtship) Bee Waggle Dance Courtship dance of Wolf Spider Courtship of Flamingos

10 Another social behavior is territorial defense Ex: fighting fish, lions, green turtles, wolves, etc. Green Turtles & Territorial Defense

11 Population Pyramids Show the characteristics of a population in the form of a double bar graph. Shows age and sex distribution of a population LEFT shows a county with RAPID growth; RIGHT shows a county with STABLE growth.

12 1.Which city has an upside down population pyramid? (meaning: there are more elderly people than young people). 2.Look at the population pyramid of Honolulu, HI (bottom). Would you say that its population is growing quickly, slowly, or not at all?

13 Population Growth 1. Unlimited  known as Exponential Growth ▫Produces J shaped curves

14 2. Limited  when growth reaches carrying capacity. ▫CARRYING CAPACITY = maximum number of organisms an environment can support. ▫Produces S shaped curves

15 Growth of a population can be limited by limiting factors Food Water Shelter Harsh weather mates

16 Which of the following graphs represents a population that has reached a state of equilibrium? A. B. C. D.

17 Which statement best describes the growth pattern of a population of organisms in nature? A.It is limited by environmental factors. B.It continues to grow indefinitely. C.It is genetically determined. D.It never changes.

18 Which of the following global concerns is indirectly responsible for all the others? A.Waste disposal B.Resource depletion C.Overpopulation D.Poor sanitation

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