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FORECASTING Kusdhianto Setiawan Gadjah Mada University.

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Presentation on theme: "FORECASTING Kusdhianto Setiawan Gadjah Mada University."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORECASTING Kusdhianto Setiawan Gadjah Mada University

2 Steps of forecasting Determine objectives of forecasting Select the items or quantities that are to be forecasted Determine the time horizon Select the forecasting model/s Gather data Validate the model/s Make the forecast Implement the result

3 Type of forecasts Time series Causal models Qualitative models Delphi method Groups of experts in different locations make forecasts, involving 3 participants; decision making group, staff personnel, respondents Jury of Executive opinion; often involving high level managers, statistical models, estimate demand Sales force composite Consumer market Survey

4 Tools... Scatter Diagram...

5 Measures of Accuracy Forecast error (deviation) = actual value – forecast value Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) MAD = ∑|forecast error|/n

6 Time Series Models Decomposition of a Time Series: Trend (T) Seasonality (S) Cycles (C) Random Variation (R) Models: Multiplicative; Demand=(TxSxCxR) Additive; Demand=(T+S+C+R)

7 Moving Averages Moving Average = ∑ demand in previous n periods/n Weighted MA = ∑(weight for period n)/(demand in period n) ∑ weights

8 Exponential Smoothing New Forecast = last period’s forecast + α (last period’s actual demand – last period’s forecast) F t = F t-1 + α (A t-1 – F t-1 )

9 Trend Projections Least Squares Method

10 Seasonal Variations See page 160 Tasks to prepare for the EXAM ! Continue reading the materials up to the end of this chapter ! Combine your knowledge on statistics, econometrics, and other subjects relevant to this study !

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