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Penguins By Matilda & Charlotte.

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Presentation on theme: "Penguins By Matilda & Charlotte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penguins By Matilda & Charlotte

2 Penguins There is lots of different types of penguins
in places in Antarctica. Here you will find out about penguins. Have fun and we hope you enjoy it!!!!!!

3 Macaroni Penguins Macaroni penguins are one type of species. They got their name because macaroni is the old word for flashy!!!!!!!!

4 King penguins King penguins are the bosses of all Penguins.

5 Emperor Penguins Emperor Penguins are the biggest penguins of all of penguins.

6 Chinstrap Penguins Chinstrap Penguins got their name because they have a line of black feathers under their chin that looks like a strap.

7 Adelie penguins Adelie penguins got their name from the first person to discover them so he used his wife's name because it was the prettiest penguin he could find.

8 Where images came from Bird

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